The Game Thread

I challenge everyone to beat my time:

Just looking at that screenshot, was anyone else kinda disappointed by the lack of a proper MP5 in MW2? The MP5K is well gay.
Just looking at that screenshot, was anyone else kinda disappointed by the lack of a proper MP5 in MW2? The MP5K is well gay.


MP5's are sexy as hell. I remember years back, my dad used to be in the army reserve, and he had an MP5 in our storage room.

I used to play with it all the time, take it apart and shit. Such an awesome looking/feeling weapon :D
Protip: the MP5 is a fuckingsuperold machine pistol, prone to jamming and failiure to feed, I'm pretty sure the MW2 military advisors pointed this out when the game was being made.

But yes Swabs, the MP5K is gay..

MP7 is superior though


inb4 HL2 gun
The MP7 might be superior, but personally the MP5 is more sexy looking.

The MP7 looks like a pistol in a carbine conversion kit.

Well out of that eras "sexyness", i'd say the UMP is moar sexy. Yes, thats right. .45

though.. MP5/10 is the coolest thing ever concieved as submachinegun
lol theres no discussion, .45 is an old, big, slow cartridge, it's useless for anything but up close silenced use.