The Gathering

Originally posted by Medion
Well, their own creativity does at the moment. Their new MCD "Black Light District" does not reflect what The Gathering used to stand for once. It's more like a sound-collage than anything else and I hope their upcoming full-length will be "normal" again. I mean, they can get softer than on "How to measure...", they can get heavier than on "Mandylion", I don't mind, but please, do make MUSIC again!
hehe, can you tell us what MUSIC is? ;)

i think, with this 'district' (i heard the long thing and 'broken glass'), they are trying to fit into the post-rock wave, and compared with Bark Psychosis or late Talk Talk, they are not as imaginative... i'll agree with Medion that songs, melodies are their strength - as soon as they veer into instrumental 'jams', they become dull. not the best improvisers or sound-inventors, the Gathering.
Originally posted by D Mullholand

hehe, can you tell us what MUSIC is? ;)

i think, with this 'district' (i heard the long thing and 'broken glass'), they are trying to fit into the post-rock wave, and compared with Bark Psychosis or late Talk Talk, they are not as imaginative... i'll agree with Medion that songs, melodies are their strength - as soon as they veer into instrumental 'jams', they become dull. not the best improvisers or sound-inventors, the Gathering.

I think they are not trying to fit into anything. That is probably one of the reasons why they left Cetury Media.
Have you watched the multimedia track on Black Light District? Very good improvisers, methinks...
Originally posted by discouraged1
I think they are not trying to fit into anything. That is probably one of the reasons why they left Cetury Media.
fit not = 'sell out'. they're quite influenced by the post-rock thing, and try to follow the footsteps of other bands.
Have you watched the multimedia track on Black Light District? Very good improvisers, methinks...
and you conclude this from the visuals, not from the music? :eek:

but actually this 'black light district' long jam is the Gathering at their most exciting - they are finally not afraid to play and really enjoy the noise they're making (=good), because they were too busy to play the flat metal riffs before and by default, played quite flatly on most of their soft stuff... the individual musicians. so yes, i like their current direction. interesting if they'll be able to be on such friendly terms with music in a song-format on the forthcoming full-length!
Originally posted by D Mullholand

interesting if they'll be able to be on such friendly terms with music in a song-format on the forthcoming full-length!

Well, the new one won't sound as black light district, because they released BLD as the songs would not fit on the new one. But of course it could still be on music-friendly terms, as you call it ;)
well, i discovered the "The Gathering Bootleg Site", and i wondered if this could be the same with Anathema. I mean the people done it have a permission of the band to share bootleg (not trade, share!) ! Couldn't that be possible with Anathema bootleg, i mean they're so rare, and hard to become except if you have sth to share. Maybe someone you has ability could do that for the fans. I don't know, 'twas just an idea. And of course there must be an agreement from the band.