the greatest metal solo of all time?

Devin Townsend - Deep Peace

this one really stands out for me. incredible.

You are a genius. One of the most expressive pieces of guitar playing I have ever heard. The bit in 'The Fluke' with the whacked out time changes is brilliant also

I would also nominate:

Opeth: 'Fair Judgment'
Dream Theater: 'Take the Test' (I generally don't like Petrucci's solos but this one is a ripper)
Porcupine Tree 'Trains' and 'Shesmovedon' - not really metal but whatever
Riverside 'Second Life Syndrome'

and I second all those who said Emperor 'With Strength I Burn'
James Murphy - pretty much ANY solo James has played is a thing of beauty.
His tone, phrasing, choice of notes, speed - just awesome.

This topic is WAY too hard.
There is an incredible amount of cool lead's ld like to say rule.....fuck....

Doug from Suffocation' leads
Gary and Rick from Exodus' stuff
Anything from the Godly Bill Steer.

crappy messed up stuff from Pungent Stench. great stuff!
lm sure l'll think of more....
Last edited: all time classic is the solo ridden, guitar fans wet dream that is...


Simply awesome.
Symphony X are great, but not everyone will like them. Generally metal fans who are already into extreme metal will not like them as much for some reason.
Symphony X are great, but not everyone will like them. Generally metal fans who are already into extreme metal will not like them as much for some reason.

romeo is not just some mindless shredder though

he is an excellent song-writer IMO and he creates highly engaging riffs almost all the time

very technical as well (goes without saying)

listen to a slow, atmospheric, beautiful song like "lady of the snow" and then listen to pure headbanging shredding greatness like "inferno"
I really enjoy the solos on Bloodbath-nightmares made flesh in general. It's cool when a death metal band actually has eerie weird creepy solos that fit the general music and lyrically theme which is not often imo, besides solos you have all these weird harmonies that really represent the title of the album.
I really enjoy the solos on Bloodbath-nightmares made flesh in general. It's cool when a death metal band actually has eerie weird creepy solos that fit the general music and lyrically theme which is not often imo, besides solos you have all these weird harmonies that really represent the title of the album.

wtf??? try to make sense