The "I don't understand why people like this band" thread

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I don't see why so many people like Iron Maiden and Judas Priest so much, that band just doesn't asppeal to me, ok, maybe the solos do, but that's it. And I don't see why people like brutal death metal gurgle vocals in bands.
If all you listen to is Black Metal, then you're not a fan of Metal. This is not about "being a Metalhead." This is just the difference between being a fan of a genre of music and being a fan of a very narrow form of that music. This, wagontrain, is where your problem comes in. Not because it's wrong to only like Black Metal, but because it alters your perspective. You only listen to Black Metal, and so you think that "more accessible" "80s" Metal is shit, because this was your introduction, but yet you're still working from the broader spectrum of Metal, and thus reaching conclusions about other aspects of Metal that you most likely just really don't understand.

Your narrow focus has led you to the conclusion that your tastes are somehow 'better' than others because what other people listen to doesn't sound like the music that you associate with Metal. In fact, it sounds (comparatively) "accessible." And accessible means low in sophistication, right? And Black Metal is generally the least accessible form of Metal, so liking Black Metal must equate with a higher sophistication and thus a better, more accurate opinion.

The reality is that Black Metal is just as immature, naive, and just downright embarrassing in its cliches, antics, ideals, stagnation, etc. There is nothing superior about Black Metal on a broader scale. So why you would fault others for having "shitty" tastes yet excluding your own is in no way a rational line of thought. Of course you don't think that your tastes are shitty, and you think that people who listen to music that you don't like have shitty taste. This is how the brain works. But speaking about it in absolutes the way that you did is just entirely unjustified aggrandizing and makes you look like a 14 year old who just got into philosophy. I suggest that you grow up and try not to instigate such things as what has occurred in this thread in the future. And the rest of you who participated in this are just as at fault as well. I'm closing this thread due to this board's obvious inability to have a mature conversation that inevitably involves differences of what may be controversial opinions.
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