The "live from MDF" thread

I am fucking DEAD after that fucking three in a row thing of Deceased - Wolfbridage - Portal

my knees are shot, i cannot put any pressure on them at all.
Intense sets from The Chasm, Possessed, Incantation, Asphyx (FUKK), and general standing around for Autopsy and the rest of the bands have made my entire body (and voice, which sounds like a 13 year old boy perpetually haunted by the pangs of puberty) frail as shit. I just recently pounded my way into our room as I forgot to ask for a key from the little girls that went to sleep before, and it's pretty much too late for a satisfying amount of sleep now. I'll probably fall asleep in the middle of some set tomorrow but whatever.

Photos on Return to the Pit are hilariously unflattering. My favorites include Andy in The Chasm album and Nick's head popping up randomly from second row to steal the spotlight in the Asphyx album.
Yeah i got it. Your shirt was $15, Ozz's was $20. I'll let you know the shipping charge when I mail them.

Now working on getting sufficiently drunk before we head out to fucking EYEHATEGOD :kickass:

Favorite band of last night was actually Wolf Brigade. I'd never really heard anything like that before, and it was a miraculous thing to behold. Kinda like Motorhead translated into the modern extreme metal template. I shat major brix.

sounds fun but i had a better weekend. i can't walk/stand properly for OTHER reasons!