The "live from MDF" thread

I guess all the pop music discussion and shit got to you after a while, but in my defense I've largely stopped that since about a month ago after realizing that it was starting to annoy even me. So, whatever! Dislike me or not, no harm either way, but I really don't have any problem with you.

And yeah, I'll be back next year and will definitely have to actually stay with you guys because I am NOOTTTT getting stuck paying 400+ for a hotel that is 15 minutes away from the venue driving (though it fucken was realistically about 30 minutes due to Baltimore's road system being completely ass backwards), plus you lot seemed to have a bunch of fun :p
Our hotel was literally a 5 minute walk from the venue and directly up the street from the Hollywood Diner. You really should stay there if you are going back.
Yeah, the Tremont is the best fucking hotel in the world. The black valet dude from last year who got Dan and I out of the parking garage for free because of Dan's badass Impreza remembered he and I from last year, and did the same thing again. We gave him 10 bucks because it's a fuckload better than like 40+.

That was just about the greatest fucking weekend of my life. I'll have to think of the highlights, and I'm sure a ton will be posted soon. Best sets were Asphyx (FUCKING WHAT THE FUCK, BEST LIVE BAND EVER?!), The Chasm, Portal, Autopsy, Ingrowing (even better than '08), Gorguts, Entombed and N2002. Speaking of N2002, Orvar threw their last available shirt to the crowd, and Dan caught it, which initiated the greatest fucking battle ever beheld; about 8 other huge dude started grabbing at it and they basically all ended up on the ground wrestling over it in a very "bar-room brawl"-esque spectacle, but Dan ended up taking it away. Probably the most epic thing ever, and Dan will now forever be known as "the man who got the last Nirvana 2002 shirt ever thrown by a band member at a show".

Hanging out with everyone was fucking excellent as always, including some people I had never met or didn't hang out with before. Jordan, Vince and Bleull, you guys rule, it was good to rage with you and share your room about 50/50 with the other one :kickass: It was also good to finally hang out with Matt/Dodens (in the sweatiest McDonalds ever), hear J-P's drunk ramblings about how awesome last May was (he may not have even been drunk, honestly it's hard to tell), and be put into yet another headlock by Brandon/swizzlenuts (we even jumpeddafukup to the Nostalgia breakdown together, along with Ray/cook-ta). On top of that, I was front row for a bunch of bands, which has yielded, as Guy mentioned, a number of hilariously awkward pictures, which I wouldn't have any other way.

Speaking of Guy, he and Schmidt were great to hang out with at length finally, along with the previously mentioned rest of the Peoria Buttsex Brigade. Grant's drunken revelries were quite well cataloged and he was one of the only people to make Chris/Cythraul laugh hysterically, which was awesome. Jeremy and Nick were a pleasure again, of course, as usual, and Jeremy brought along an acquaintance who was at first irritating but grew on me by the end of the journey; we ended up driving him home because he's from the Boston area, and he ended up being one of the cooler new people I met.

More as I think of them. I'm uploading an awesome Grant video soon.
Nice, I will definitely be doing that next year. I could have spent so much more money this weekend than I did if I had not so much invested in my hotel. (Not that I needed to spend more than 500 dollars on merch but I'll be damned if I wouldn't have if I had that extra money)
Yeah, I think in a way though it worked out having not stayed with you guys because I met these damn cool dudes at my hotel, Steve and Damien who were like 20 years older than me and my friends that came along and they shared their awesome stories of growing up seeing bands like Death and Demolition Hammer and they found it hilarious that we knew bands like Jag Panzer and Manilla Road, and were also amazed at all the shit we knew as far as like more obscure bands like Scythe, Countess, etc. went since they didn't know shit about them

Made them feel old and I was humbled as fuck as a metal fan realizing that I really had experienced fuck all and that the weekend only part of the greater picture of metal - plus I got a CD from Steve's band Coffin Birth

Remember him talking about this guy he know who owned a huge ass Venom collection and some dude from Germany flew over and handed him 10,000 in cash to buy the shit from him then flew right on back home haha
I'll have to save my long digest of the fest for later, but here's a list of the bands I saw, grouped by how much I enjoyed their show:

Fucking made my weekend:
* Wolfbrigade (never heard D-beat before, and these guys blew my fucking mind)
* Eyehategod (every bit as heavy, disgusting and miserable as I hoped they would be)
* Obituary (perfect sound, great riffs, moshed my ass off to them, need to listen to their albums)

* Fang
* Asphyx
* Incantation
* Pentagram (Bobby Liebling = :zombie:)
* Portal (first 15 minutes)

* Malignancy
* Gorguts
* Ingrowing
* The Chasm
* Entombed
* Pestilence
* Black Breath
* Watain (sounded pretty shite indoors, but at least I caught a good buzz off their incense)

* Nazxul
* Autopsy (wtf, bass was totally muddled and drowning out everything)
* Rompeprop (except for the polka at the beginning, which ruled :p)
* Nirvana 2002
* Portal (last 8,000 minutes)

There were a few other bands I saw maybe 5-10 minutes each of, but I'm not going to bother ranking them. I would have liked to see more than I did, but it's just too much fucking metal for three days. It feels like it was over really fast too, which sucks, but I did pretty much everything I could have hoped to do while I was there. Massively fucking planet-smashingly epic weekend.
Dude, fucking Fang! Who the hell?! Guy, Schmidt and I were up front during their set expressly so we could be up front for Chasm, but Fang KILLED IT, they were so good...I was really, really surprised.
Fang was the shit. Apparently a decent helping of solid hardcore punk bands makes MDF about 30% more awesome.

I saw Dodens once, before Autopsy I believe. I gave him the hug I promised. He was warm and fuzzy.

Cythie was too quiet tbh, needed moar drunken rants about monetary policy and my pals. Glad I was able to crack a few smiles from him though, haha.

Dan and Kevin Y. made a good pair. It is perhaps a necessary evil to have gentleman as, er, 'colorful' as they around for the weekend. Fuckin' Boston punks.

Ray I only saw you for a couple minutes and I was kind of annoying at the time, but thx 4 teh cee-deez. I'll paypal you this week when I get a minute to think.

Zeph (excuse me JEREMY) and cookie were awesome as always. We had a great little 2-hour conversation in a Thai restaurant this afternoon before splitting town. Damn I'll miss you guys.

Also Schmidt... I has man crush on you. :oops: Let's have a giant cuddle puddle with Guy, Jordan, Vince and Bleoiuauea next time.
Haha the Grant on Matt hug was a good sight to witness. We then proceeded to make a beeline to the front of Autopsy and EPIC FAIL'D as Guy's plan was almost entirely "hay guys go round the tents no one's thought of this yet" :lol:

edit: dudes, most epic pic ever...Brad passed the FUCK out on the ground outside :lol:


<3 Brad

This photo pretty much sums up the entire weekend. Detailed post (including an unnecessary text version of my haul) to come when I can be fucked to make it.
We then proceeded to make a beeline to the front of Autopsy and EPIC FAIL'D as Guy's plan was almost entirely "hay guys go round the tents no one's thought of this yet" :lol:

The flank plan was impeccable; we just got there too late (because I COMPLETELY FORGOT Autopsy was even playing because I was too busy recovering from having the best spot for Asphyx's perfect set to think clearly; see photos at RttP for more).

Good things:

-Everyone was super cool in their own unique way
-Quite a few bands sounded really good
-Good merch was expansive as fuck (which was bad for me in a way)
-We didn't die on the way home

Bad things:

-2 outside stages was gay as fuck and should not be considered ever again. I had to skip a few sets just to get a decent spot for some bands.
-Fuck the sun. I hope that son of a bitch burns out.
-Losing my wallet within the first two hours of Friday.
-Making 10+ trips back to the hotel per day. I guess it helped burn off some of the shit I incessantly shoveled in my mouth though.
-Sound for some bands was absolute shit. I'm sure that will be discussed at some point in time.
-The fest needs to have a grand schism so all of the worthless inside bands and their fans can get the fuck out of my space. See the above discontent toward the two outside stage nonsense for further reinforcement of this.
-Nu-metal fans during Gorguts. Too many people running around in a circle and not enough people shouting the lyrics to "With Their Flesh...He'll Create".

Best sets, sort of in order: Asphyx, The Chasm, Pentagram/Incantation, Gorguts, Autopsy, Obituary (PERFECT sound, would have been a PERFECT set if it was nothing but Cause of Death), Nazxul/N2002, Sinister, Entombed, Possessed, Fang (not the biggest fan of the music but the show really surprised me), other bands.

If anyone gives a shit about seeing how awesome the merch selection was, just check my Rate Your Music page. I'm now lamenting over the massive amount of money I spent over the weekend like an irresponsible little fuck, but whatever.