The love/hate thread.

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Graphics card works. Video card refers to a video capturing device, which covers TV Tuner cards, etc.

Type in "Video card" in google, and you get nothing but links to "graphics cards". Go to a respected pc harware website and the "graphics cards" are listed under "video cards" and are called "video cards".
Type in "Video card" in google, and you get nothing but links to "graphics cards". Go to a respected pc harware website and the "graphics cards" are listed under "video cards" and are called "video cards".
That is because 'Video card' is a more generalised term which encapsulates any device that deals with input/output of visual data, and much obviously, you are going to get more results for graphics adapters on google as they are much popular than capture devices, which come under the same category.

Wikipedia classifies both Graphics acceleration adapters and Video capture devices into one.
I love that I was offered a part in a show today.

This guy that I was in an improv group with last semester called me today to say that he and three other people are putting together a comedy show near the end of August, and to ask if I wanted to perform in it. As far as I know, nothing is really "official" yet, be he seemed certain that it's going to happen.

It's going to be about half improv and half sketch comedy, so it should be a lot of fun. What's more, I'll likley be getting paid for it. Obviously it depends on how many people show up, but he said I can expect to make about $50. And if the show goes really well, it might become a regular thing that we do every week.

It's not a big deal, really. Not like I just got offered a spot on Late Night or something, but I feel like I'm actually setting out on my way to starting some sort of career. Again, yeah, this show isn't going to be a huge deal, but it's still pretty exciting for me.
Fucking hell.

There's this guy on my street that is really scaring me. Just... really scaring me. He's this married guy with two kids, a dog, white picket fence, etc, blah blah... shouldn't be creepy in my mind... but on the creepiness scale, he's out of this world.

He's recently stopped me a few times whilst I was walking and jogging. He's asked questions like "Where do you live" "how old are you", etc. He's been trying to stop me more frequently. I was out jogging tonight, and he was in his car. He pulled his car up beside me and said hi, how are you, etc. He stopped the car and had it halted there for a few seconds, until I was out of sight. And then when I was past his house (which wasn't far away from the out of site area), I saw his car again. This time he stopped his vehicle comepletely, and tried to talk to me. It was getting pretty dark out and his voice was fucking sleezy. Scared the shit out of me.

I'm probably moaning about nothing, but I really don't want to go out jogging around this time anymore, or when it gets close to dark. That guy freaks the shit out of me.

Just the mannerisms and the way he looks at me... It's gross.
Exactly. I don't know what to do besides avoid a potential situation where I can see him again.
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