The love/hate thread.

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I hate Star Strek. I came to the conclusion if was stuck in a room and had to watch star strek for 24 hours or had the option of shooting myself would shoot myself.
I hate how my fucking jaw is sore after seeing the orthodontist, and I can barely chew anything


(and I also sort of hate that the chick who always works on me is pretty cute and has a sense of humor that I totally dig)

This is what you need to say to her... "Hey baby, maybe sometime I can stick something in your mouth." *wink* And Montu, that theme is super bad ass, I want it!
Think about this... if the holodeck was real, people wouldn't use it to make western saloons and sherlocke holmes mysteries...

...and I would hate to be the guy who had to clean the holodeck after...
Quite impressive. Did you make that theme? Did you make that wallpaper yourself as well?
I hate that people assume you are an alcoholic or have problems when you drink alone.

How about I'm too tired to venture out to a bar and buy draft beer (while it is cheap, it is more expensive than buying a 12 pack) and would rather sit home, relax and watch a movie?
I hate that people assume you are an alcoholic or have problems when you drink alone.

How about I'm too tired to venture out to a bar and buy draft beer (while it is cheap, it is more expensive than buying a 12 pack) and would rather sit home, relax and watch a movie?

Everyone I know does this alot. There must be a shit ton of alcoholics in the world then.
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