The love/hate thread.

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I have the worst hangover and can't find any asprin so everytime I laugh it's like I am going to die!

I'm not an alcoholic. The thing is I can't handle it anymore. When I was 15,16 could drink and drink and drink and now I just feel like death.

in 4 years you will feel it!
I'm getting a lappy soon for college. I'd like a Dell or Gateway but my college is mandating Mac lappy's for their technology-integral education.
I hate guys who dress goofy and walk around with poodles. I can't help but think it's so idiotic.

I love sexual dreams. I had this dream last night where I got a hand job from some really HAWT chick. I think it's sign!
Also, please don't ever call it a lappy again; that was honestly one of the gayest things I've ever heard in my life.
I love how calming Japancakes are. I don't even know what kind of music they are - like country post-rock or some shit like that, but Waking Hours is awesome :)
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