The love/hate thread.

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I don't have beer weed or any good pills and just popped robitusin. oh god!

If you want to join go ahead and if we stay at the computer are posts are going to be ridiculously retarded.
I would do it, but the last time I did it on a school night I was still trippin when I went to school the next day (weird); scary shit.

In my first class I told the teacher how I was the head of the village or some shit and she just laughed and told me to go to sleep, which I did. If I didn't get good grades she probably would have sent me to get drug tested.


I tend to cut down on the dose. I did it once and was actually tripping and walking around in public and it was horrifying.
I fucking hate trying to find a decent Summer job. Seriously it is so fucking annoying, so annoying in fact that I may just go back to the job I had last summer which I despised. But whatever, I need the cash money.
I fucking hate trying to find a decent Summer job. Seriously it is so fucking annoying, so annoying in fact that I may just go back to the job I had last summer which I despised. But whatever, I need the cash money.
My English degree put to dubious use:)
I'm currently working from home transcribing audio files of Kabbalah lectures in English. Sounds more exciting than it is, but it(supposedly) pays fairly well. I haven't recieved one penny yet though(started out on April 30th)
I hate people who are overly concerned with car stereos and playing music to annoying volume level. I heard this one person yesterday and besides the loud thump thump you could hear a piece of plactic or metal rattle also. Who wants to hear that at 9 in morning.
I hate people who are overly concerned with car stereos and playing music to annoying volume level. I heard this one person yesterday and besides the loud thump thump you could hear a piece of plactic or metal rattle also. Who wants to hear that at 9 in morning.

And how the fuck can the person in the car even hear anything?! It's stupid.
My English degree put to dubious use:)
I'm currently working from home transcribing audio files of Kabbalah lectures in English. Sounds more exciting than it is, but it(supposedly) pays fairly well. I haven't recieved one penny yet though(started out on April 30th)

Nice. I wish I could find a summer job related to my field (Communications/Film) but alas this will not be the case. I will be going back to my job as a custodian at the local Toyota plant. I'm not looking forward to it but the upside is that it will only last for 3 months. I think I can handle that.
Yup. Have to go sit at school and bullshit with the teachers for 3 hours today and yesterday in order to make up my hours. It was surprisingly not that bad. The teachers were a lot less strict, I just sat there in the AP office and bullshitted with them and listened to my mp3 player. They were cussing and telling jokes and acting as if I wasn't there, but I was talking and laughing right along with them. Better than I expected it to be. It's gonna suck worse today since I should be out for the last time, but I don't really care, no more stupid fucking classes with stupid fucking teachers and stupid fucking classmates.

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