The love/hate thread.

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looks like I might have a good chance to get hired at GNC (after wage +commission, you are making average of 8 - 13 bucks an hour)

I had a decent talk with the manager not to mention, from what I hear, GNC generally likes to hire people who look like they workout

If I can do this job and be good at sales, I could make anywhere from 1300 to 1600 a month, If I am average at it, I still make 900- 1100 a month. :kickass:
looks like I might have a good chance to get hired at GNC (after wage +commission, you are making average of 8 - 13 bucks an hour)

LIKE wow that's really not making much. 8 dollars is barley more than minumum wage so you go to school and not really make more than a bunch of degenerates. Do you really think 12,13 dollars is a lot an hour. ha

Everytime you say these things you probably think you are bragging like you are getting some great job.
LIKE wow that's really not making much. 8 dollars is barley more than minumum wage so you go to school and not really make more than a bunch of degenerates. Do you really think 12,13 dollars is a lot an hour. ha

Everytime you say these things you probably think you are bragging like you are getting some great job.

I just turned 18 dumbass, for an 18 year old 1,500 a month is alot of money (you're probably not making more than 700 - 800)

not to mention I will be making 35-45 grand once I get my bachelor's degree (at age 21) and making much more once I get my master's degree (at age 23) of course this is all dependant that I choose a good field and a good career choice, but that still remains to be seen.
Tomorrow is my last full day of classes. Finals next week and graduation a week after that.

Hey wanna know something? I was done two weeks ago! Hah!

It is for what he's worth.

You're an annoying little bitch.

I just turned 18 dumbass, for an 18 year old 1,500 a month is alot of money (you're probably not making more than 700 - 800)


Hah yeah Greys, you really cannot say anything, considering a 19 year old deadbeat that isn't likely to amount to anything in life at all.
You're a very annoying little bitch.

(slightly) fixed and QFT :kickass:

Hah yeah Greys, you really cannot say anything, considering a 19 year old deadbeat that isn't likely to amount to anything in life at all.

LOL greys plans on living on minimum wage for the rest of his life

he's somehow gonna get an apartment and pay for everything on about 800 - 900 dollars a month :zombie:
Baldur's Gate is fucking amazing. Advent Rising is a massive disappointment in gameplay, especially since the screenplay is written by my favorite author (Orson Scott Card, as one can tell since my name and current sig quote come from him.) (The game really isn't that bad overall, it just has massive fucking glaring problems, which ruin the overall experience. I'm still gonna play it, it's Orson Scott Card.) X-men Legends 1 sucks massive salty balls. Weed is good. I still love my laptop. That is the result of my leaving high school festivities. I'm too high for this shit.
Thought I'd take a gander at what's on the boards at the moment...

I'm currently in Dublin. As far as awesomeness goes, Dublin > Belfast. Regardless, it's cool to see that there are a lot of metalheads here. It makes me smile.

All is well, all is well. Now I just want to move to England immediately and get it over and done with.
So it's official I'm going back to being a custodian at Toyota for the next 10 weeks at least. I suppose it doesn't get much more metal than cleaning washrooms...*sigh*

Edit: Dave stop planning out your career salaries when you don't even know what field you will pursue let alone what job you will acquire in said field.
I love these 2 new songs I wrote. pure old school death thrash. I need to save up for a four track
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