The love/hate thread.

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I only mentioned Illinois because it was brought up and because I've actually been there and experienced the small-town folk that live there, namely in and around Olney. I really hate those people. I'm not trashing the state or anything, I just don't like the small-town, redneck/hick type, and I have a hard spot in my heart for certain people there.
Yeah, it's frightening what you mind find in these little backwoods towns. There's a lot in Ohio as well.
There are backward fucks living in rural parts all over the country, not just Illinois. :rolleyes:

Also, if you live in the more populated areas, it's just like everywhere else. Actually, most small towners I've met have been fine. There are more redneck types farther south.
My college has many rednecks and so does the town I live in.
I live between 2 small towns actually, one with about 1500 a couple miles away and the other a few miles away with maybe 5000. I'm a citizen of nowhere townwise. :) :lol:
Yeah, it's frightening what you mind find in these little backwoods towns. There's a lot in Ohio as well.
My brother's girlfriend is annoying as fuck, she is one of those types. The typical probably-inbred, defiantly stupid as all fuck, redneck hick women. Oh, and she likes ICP. I just want to kill her sometimes. She keeps asking me to download music for her because she is too stupid to use a computer herself and too poor to afford CDs and I won't because I don't want ICP or any Psychopathic Records shit on my computer.
I love when old senators try and punch each other with their stupid suits on which is not often because it's hilarious. I think there should be senator boxing matches so they can settle their disputs.
They look old dead frusterated and should just put on some gloves and hit each other.

This morning on the news apparently a senator called another other one a son of a bitch and than the other one actually got a punch in. I would not say it was a hard punch but he still got the guy right in the face and took him off guard. I was cracking up and want to see more.
I love that paris hilton was sent back to jail. She can't even do 45 days.... :lol:

don't do the crime if you can't do the time!
I hate Doom metal 'genres'. Sludge, stoner, death, etc.

Why can't it all either 1) Be called something other than '(name here)-doom' or 2) just all be brought together as 'really fucking slow crush your skull with heavy sound metal'?
I hate Doom metal 'genres'. Sludge, stoner, death, etc.

Why can't it all either 1) Be called something other than '(name here)-doom' or 2) just all be brought together as 'really fucking slow crush your skull with heavy sound metal'?

They're amalgamations of genres. The only "doom" is Traditional Doom. Then there's hybrid genres.
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