The love/hate thread.

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Man, quality posts on this here page.

I love that I just got a haircut. I'd been languishing in the "intermediate/annoying length" for the past month or so, and it was horrible. But now I look half-decent again. :grin:
Oh, and I hate how, in the advanced post editing window, the "OMG" smiley takes up three fucking lines on the right. Someone really needs to change that. Just imagine how many more smilies we could have easy access to over there!
Oh, and I hate how, in the advanced post editing window, the "OMG" smiley takes up three fucking lines on the right. Someone really needs to change that. Just imagine how many more smilies we could have easy access to over there!

I'm with you there. The intense fury over the amount of space the OMG smiley takes up keeps me awake at night.
I love love love....

Now what I wanted to say.

what the hell is going on. no hawt girls thread
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