The love/hate thread.

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^^ winamp does get annoying, in some ways.

I <3 traveling, I hate my fellow citizens... the fat, stupid bitch moms who buy themselves and their kids the shittiest food possible and then a diet pepsi to compensate.
Hurray downloading.

I'd say about 300 of those are downloaded, and I've consequently bought like 200 of those downloaded.

When you live somewhere like Illinois, there are no decent cd stores that sell anything other than the known bm/dm bands. Downloading is essential for me to find music. When I find something I like, I buy it.

Are you talking to me? You want me to go into detail? Trying to prove I'm full of shit? Fine. I inherited a fuckload of music from my dad and grandfather, who both loved classic rock and had large collections. My dad is a metal fan like me, so he buys a lot of music, and I run a 4 person landscaping business, so I have enough money to buy 5-10 cd's every week. I don't claim ownership of the music my dad has bought.
I'm 18 and live my parents, dumbass. My dad is in the military and my mom is a teacher. wtf you do expect? My parents work honorable jobs that don't pay much.

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