The love/hate thread.

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I loved my time in Europe. I have so much to say about and so many photos to share. By this Sunday I'll make a thread detailing my experience. I envy all you people blessed enough to inhabit such a beautiful continent.

I too am jealous of those in Europe; my envy stems from the fact that I can't legally leave this damned continent though :erk:
they played that shit song with mustaine and that chick from lacuna coil (or whatever that terrible band is) in the gym today. It was fucking infuriating to see dave singing pop ballads, what happened to the all out thrashing dave? truly embarassing.
I freaking hate that this company I work for hires incompetent people for the job of transcribing. And then I have to work double to correct their stupid spelling mistakes. I don't get paid enough for this shit. But it's funny in a kind of a sad way:

The guy says: Nuclear plant; that transcriber writes it as new clear plant:erk:

Or he says: We read obituaries in newspapers every day, and that guy puts it as :We read, oh, bitch you are is in newspapers.
I mean, come on! Use some common sense:lol: And so is every goddamn sentence– a real pearl of whimsical "wisdom", no less.
Oh, well, at least I got a laugh out of this whole affair.
I freaking hate that this company I work for hires incompetent people for the job of transcribing. And then I have to work double to correct their stupid spelling mistakes. I don't get paid enough for this shit. But it's funny in a kind of a sad way:

The guy says: Nuclear plant; that transcriber writes it as new clear plant:erk:

Or he says: We read obituaries in newspapers every day, and that guy puts it as :We read, oh, bitch you are is in newspapers.
I mean, come on! Use some common sense:lol: And so is every goddamn sentence– a real pearl of whimsical "wisdom", no less.
Oh, well, at least I got a laugh out of this whole affair.

hahahah that must suck that you have to go over and verify everything. At least they seem to make funny mistakes so that must be entertaining sometimes.
Yea, actually that was the first occurrence of the output file being so uproariously retarded, so I thought I'd share a few snippets.

Once the lecturer uttered: "the negative pole of the bulb" and the guy wrrote the negative Paul of the Bob:lol:
People simply refuse to understand the context of the subject matter at all. Yes,fun times but more often it's just sad.

poll/pole, son/sun effect/affect, its/it's, lets/let's, than/then, obstruction/abstraction are the usual suspects I have to deal with on a daily basis.:mad:
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