The love/hate thread.

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I hate when gum sticks to the paper. I will want a piece of gum and then can not get if off the paper.
I love it when I get new fans. I hate it when they're too slow responding with their raging tirades and I have to leave work before I get another good laugh.
Just FYI everyone she's referring to me because I let her know that she's a cunt casket, and apparently that means I'm a fan? I don't know.
She's lonely and forgot to take her lithium in the morning. Poor Lulu is imagining things. Oh, and Lulu, that "I'm an impenetrable fortress of arrogance" is a shitty defense mechanism, by the way
Yeah, I found it. Pretty silly to be honest, which is surprising since she seemed nice enough in her first few posts.
Yeah, I found it. Pretty silly to be honest, which is surprising since she seemed nice enough in her first few posts.

I agree with you it IS pretty silly.

I have to admit I do have a little fun pushing peoples buttons. I knew someone would lose it if I dared to say TV is a waste of time. What can I say, it was a dull afternoon at work and I found a willing jester to amuse me.

I'm bad. :)
I have to admit I do have a little fun pushing peoples buttons. I knew someone would lose it if I dared to say TV is a waste of time. What can I say, it was a dull afternoon at work and I found a willing jester to amuse me.

I'm bad. :)

Excuse me, are you new to the internet? That's probably the weakest and most overused defense a person who just got e-owned can use, to be honest. "Oh well the reason I said something retarded well it was because I was uhhh kidding, yeah that's right kidding and I only said it to make someone troll me because I like that and heee heee it worked". Sorry babe, but that's just not going to fly.

PS: Trolling you is hardly "losing it". Ask anyone. I do that same thing all the time. It's how I pass the time between games of Wii bowling with the fam'.
Yea, actually that was the first occurrence of the output file being so uproariously retarded, so I thought I'd share a few snippets.

Once the lecturer uttered: "the negative pole of the bulb" and the guy wrrote the negative Paul of the Bob:lol:
People simply refuse to understand the context of the subject matter at all. Yes,fun times but more often it's just sad.

poll/pole, son/sun effect/affect, its/it's, lets/let's, than/then, obstruction/abstraction are the usual suspects I have to deal with on a daily basis.:mad:
I am currently doing work with book scanning and character recognition software, so I get some funny errors, but nothing like that. :tickled:
TIACN: Don't continue the retarded argument here.

Lulu: Don't respond, and in the future don't intentionally agitate people.

Now shake hands.
I am currently doing work with book scanning and character recognition software, so I get some funny errors, but nothing like that. :tickled:
It was probably his first shot at transcribing; my first time was far from spotless too. The subject matter is esoteric and the terminology used is a bit too quirky to understand properly right off the bat. Though I admit, it's the most consistently incomprehensible file I have ever worked on. Far beyond the "way out there" mark on the weirdness scale.:p
I hate that so many people I know keep bragging about going to Europe this summer.

I hate that I still havent heard the new Nile :mad:
me either, I heard their entire discography except for the new one, I'll have it soon though

I picked up the new Behemoth today. Haven't listened to it yet.

Got it for 10 bucks on sale.
New behemoth isn't that good actually. Their older stuff was waaay better.

Yeah. They are the only place in town that has a lot of metal in stock at the store. I can get shit from another place, but I have to special order and it takes a week to get shit in.
bah, I know the feeling. We only have like one store with a decent collection of metal in a 20 mile radius
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