The love/hate thread.

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I hate the Irish. Actually I hate people who live in America and are American and continually point out that they are "Irish" and are proud of the fact.

Lets leave it at that and not start up this argument again.

Try living in Boston. I'm glad I moved out of that place. The Irish up here in Maine are much less blatant about their heritage.
Try living in Boston. I'm glad I moved out of that place. The Irish up here in Maine are much less blatant about their heritage.
Yeah. I live in Boston and grew up in a Boston suburb. There are many more Irish people here than any other ethnic group. Sometimes the Irish pride is excessive. It can be a bit irritating sometimes. But I guess Ireland is pretty cool, as Primordial and Mourning Beloveth are my two favorite bands.
I HATE how women can be all interested in into you at one moment, and then decide to drop you the next (yes, the girl I was dating broke it off with me unexpectedly after a month). Or they'll be like "OMG your so hot!!" one moment, and then they'll fucking not even respond to your emails the next. I HATE WOMEN I HATE WOMEN I HATE WOMEN I HATE WOMEN I HATE WOMEN I HATE WOMEN I HATE WOMEN I HATE WOMEN I HATE WOMEN I HATE WOMEN I HATE WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I would definitely like a band better if my ancestors came from the land that they dwell.
I know you are not serious. However, I do think it is cool to listen to bands where my ancestors are from. I am 100% German, and think it's cool that Germany has the most metal bands of any counrtry next to America. Maybe there are so few African American metal fans because there are almost no bands hailing from West Africa (most of the slaves came from Angola and Senegal).
Now that I mentioned it, this is perhaps the best place to ask: does anyone know of any bands from West Africa besides Neblina (from Angola)? I obviously didn't want to create a new thread just to ask this question.
Yet they all suck

Some exceptions yes, but most do really suck

EDIT: Yes, I do realize that i have Suidakra as 6th most listened band in my lastfm sig :lol:
Judging by some of the crap you listen to, I'm not surprised that you would say that. But most people with good taste would agree that Lunar Aurora, Atrocity (old), Anasarca, Odal, Fleshcrawl, German thrash, Moonblood, Necros Christos, etc. do not suck. Yes, there are German bands that suck, but every scene has bands that suck. There are plenty of bands from Sweden, and especially the United States (particularly California) that suck, for instance. And yes, I am well aware the the Dutch and the Germans do not like each other.
Judging by some of the crap you listen to, I'm not surprised that you would say that. But most people with good taste would agree that Lunar Aurora, Atrocity (old), Anasarca, Odal, Fleshcrawl, German thrash, Moonblood, Necros Christos, etc. do not suck. Yes, there are German bands that suck, but every scene has bands that suck. There are plenty of bands from Sweden, and especially the United States (particularly California) that suck, for instance. And yes, I am well aware the the Dutch and the Germans do not like each other.

1st, there's no such thing as "good taste".
2nd, you're taking me far too serious :lol:

Anyway, the "most bands suck" was more aimed at American bands, there are enough German (and even some American) bands i do like..

EDIT: Oh, and this has nothing to do with Dutch people not liking Germans. I never hated Germans, and i dont see why i would
What sort of turntable did you end up getting?

I found a Pro-ject Debut III half priced. A guy bought it and brought it back to buy a better one. I guess I'm not as picky as the other guy because I think it's awesome. Only negative though is that if you amp has no phono preamp this turntable doesn't have one so you have to buy a separate one.

It's the lowest model from Pro-Ject but they seem to build quality stuff.
cry me a fuckin river. it was over 115 today.

making people think i have it bad in the middle east is funny. i love that i bought a custom made cashmere suit with 2 extra shirts (custom made as well. silk and fine cotton) for $180. i love doha. big pimpin...
It was about 30 degrees Celsius in the shade and 85% humidity today. All in all, a typical summer day in here. Spill some milk and drop a few eggs on the sidewalk and you've got yourself an instant urban omelet.
I love our convenient Fahrenheit measurement system, and conversely hate Celsius. What the hell is Celsius. Fahrenheit makes a lot of sense, because 0 is really really cold, and 100 is very hot, and everything in between makes sense. Celsius is dumb.
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