The love/hate thread.

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you don't really have a point there. There is no reason whatsoever to expect that I will not continue improving and making more money as a salesman. GNC's customers tend to be loyal and are very consistent week in and week out. I am only getting better everyday and I already make 30+ dollars a day 80% of the time. It's only a matter of time where I am making 35 - 40+ dollars 80% of the time.

perhaps you would have a point if you stated a potential reason for me failing these goals. I am easily one of the best salesman out there, my manager loves me, my stats are incredible across the board. I clearly won't be getting fired, GNC's customers are clearly not gonna stop coming, and I clearly am not going to stop making shitloads of money.

There is nothing hypothetical here, it's entirely inevitable assuming I don't die or something lol.
No you're not you idiot. If you work on commission, there are no absolutes. Make your own thread.
Dave, I'm going to give you a hypothetical here. Pretend I come in here every day bragging about how I am making 12 dollars an hour temping in an office. Do you care? Do you care even after the 100th time you've heard it? Be honest and then remember this the next time you want to make an inane post about working at a GNC.
so ozzman, what is going to happen? I am going to get fired? GNC customers are going to stop coming? they are going to stop buying shit?

please come up with one scenario where I would be making less than 30 - 40 night on commission.

walking down the street and not getting struck by lightning isn't an "absolute" thing either, doesn't mean it's ever going to happen.
I am telling you about what is happening right now. Nothing here is hypothetical, I am earning 24-28 k a year right now.

Dave, Dave, Dave... you're your own worst enemy on this board. Whether you belive what you say to be true or not, no one here cares. Some think you're full of shit and some don't think that's a lot of money, but honestly no one cares. GNC isn't a sure thing. If your store is corporate it could be closed tomorrow. If it's franchise it could go under tomorrow. What you're bragging about is no loftier or secure than flipping burgers, thus people laugh at your claims.
so ozzman, what is going to happen? I am going to get fired? GNC customers are going to stop coming? they are going to stop buying shit?

please come up with one scenario where I would be making less than 30 - 40 night on commission.

All of the above could happen. They could downsize and be forced to lay you off. People could stop coming. You could have a slow season, etc.

It is fucking retail. Like any other retailer, their levels of business, profits and employees go through cycles.

You are not guaranteed anything on commission based sales. I used to do it, so I kind of know. You are basically working to feed yourself.

Also, if you get hourly along with the commission, why are we having this conversation?

In short: Fuck you.
Can you really be this genuinely stupid to not realize that you may possibly not sell as well in the future as you are now? Are you so blatantly and inhumanly incompetent that you cannot conceive of a scenario that differs from the one that is currently thrust before your eyes at the moment? Can you not figure out that the ball that I moved behind my back still exists although you can no longer see it?
They could downsize and be forced to lay you off

:lol: I am one of the best salesman in the area, there's about a 100 people in my region that would get fired before me.

People could stop coming. You could have a slow season, etc.

GNC has been around for 70 years man

It is fucking retail. Like any other retailer, their levels of business, profits and employees go through cycles.

what's your point? the other day, we only had 8 customers, only sold total 320 dollars worth of shit. I still made 40 dollars on commission. The odds of me making less than 24 on a consistent basis is so small, it doesn't even warrant a discussion.

the store doesn't need to do well for me to make a shitload of money. I made a sale the other day of 50 bucks in which I received 12 bucks commission. It's all about knowing what to do, what to sell, and at what time.

Also, if you get hourly along with the commission, why are we having this conversation?

you tell me.
:lol: I am one of the best salesman in the area, there's about a 100 people in my region that would get fired before me.

How do you know this?

GNC has been around for 70 years man

What about the specific GNC where you are? I know the entire organization won't go down, but individual franchises can go under.

I thought an aspiring Finance major would realize this type of shit?
How do you know this?

my fucking manager tells me. My stats across the board are insane

I came in the other day where the previous employee had an average transaction dollar of 20. I finished that night with an average transaction $ of 55. 'nuf said

What about the specific GNC where you are? I know the entire organization won't go down, but individual franchises can go under.

it's in a massive mall that seems to be expanding everyday. There's 7 new stores that will be opened soon and the mall is going to be expanded even further. I'd expect that there will be a 20 - 40% increase in amount of customers with me here now and also all the new stores opening up (including another huge department store).
it's in a massive mall that seems to be expanding everyday. There's 7 new stores that will be opened soon and the mall is going to be expanded even further. I'd expact that there will be a 20 - 40% increase in amount of customers with me here now and also all the new stores opening up (including a huge carson's opening up).

The mall is expanding so rapidly that it absorbs surrounding stores. Eventually, the mall will expand into resedential areas and people will actually live in the mall.
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