the love thread

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Control of the Pacific Ocean is a pretty big fucking deal. How do you not see that? You're point about this being an "American Pride" thing is ridiculous because A.) The British were involved in the Asian theater as well and B.) We were heavily involved in the European theater.

I will agree that the Germans were a stong enemy. I would actually consider the German military of WWII to be one of the(of not the) greatest in history, though "die hard" isn't a strong enough word to desrcibe how fierce the Japanese were.

And, again, you're ignoring the fighting in the Phillipines and the Asian mainland.

Im looking at the Pacific as in the Pacific ocean (Guam, Iwo Jima, Soloman islands, etc). I know the Brits were in Burma, Borneo and other places, and by the way the Philippines are included in my list. They are a small group of islands.

I agree with the point on the German army, for me including the Romans, and the British during their colonial expansion being the best armies in history.

Another question, you will have better knowledge of this than me. Do you believe America would have joined the war if it wasnt for the bombing of Pearl Harbour? Considering the U.S's strong isolationist policy.
Im looking at the Pacific as in the Pacific ocean (Guam, Iwo Jima, Soloman islands, etc). I know the Brits were in Burma, Borneo and other places, and by the way the Philippines are included in my list. They are a small group of islands.

I agree with the point on the German army, for me including the Romans, and the British during their colonial expansion being the best armies in history.

Another question, you will have better knowledge of this than me. Do you believe America would have joined the war if it wasnt for the bombing of Pearl Harbour? Considering the U.S's strong isolationist policy.

You do know the Pacific Theatre encompasses mainland Asia also? Anyways, America would not have joined until Britain was invaded imho, we would then probably start as we did in Africa again.

Also the American Military was equal to the Germans in world war II. We actually fought in 3 Fronts also and WON THEM ALL. American Industrial Might + The best soldiers in the world = nothing stopping us.

Yanks do make me laugh. You say that however over here the English think of you guys in the First and Second World War as pretty pointless. It could have been won without you, thank the Russians for that. :)

Yanks do make me laugh. You say that however over here the English think of you guys in the First and Second World War as pretty pointless. It could have been won without you, thank the Russians for that. :)

Wow you show your ignorance so fucking much.

We basically supplied Britain since the start of WWII secretely with everything... The russians quit WWI, and in WWII they were shit, they almost surrendered again. Once again it was the US who pressured germany into making them actually put men and material on their western front. You think britain was going to successfully invade mainland europe by themselves? HAHAH. Such ignorance.
Im looking at the Pacific as in the Pacific ocean (Guam, Iwo Jima, Soloman islands, etc). I know the Brits were in Burma, Borneo and other places, and by the way the Philippines are included in my list. They are a small group of islands.

I agree with the point on the German army, for me including the Romans, and the British during their colonial expansion being the best armies in history.

Another question, you will have better knowledge of this than me. Do you believe America would have joined the war if it wasnt for the bombing of Pearl Harbour? Considering the U.S's strong isolationist policy.

Yea, the country would have gotten involved, as they were somewhat financially tied to the victory of the Allies. FDR signed Lend Lease, etc.


Yanks do make me laugh. You say that however over here the English think of you guys in the First and Second World War as pretty pointless. It could have been won without you, thank the Russians for that. :)

The entry of US soldiers in WWI broke the stalemate of the war. I definitely think the US had a big impact. :yuk:
Wow you show your ignorance so fucking much.

We basically supplied Britain since the start of WWII secretely with everything... The russians quit WWI, and in WWII they were shit, they almost surrendered again. Once again it was the US who pressured germany into making them actually put men and material on their western front. You think britain was going to successfully invade mainland europe by themselves? HAHAH. Such ignorance.

Sorry my ignorance?! Read what you put before. Yes I realise you supplied us, but my arguement was to do with the armed forces getting involved not about financial issues. You are by far more ignorant if you think the Russians were shit. Try telling that to them who lost 20 million people, had their country destroyed and had to face a much bigger army than the German force on the Western Front.
Yanks do make me laugh. You say that however over here the English think of you guys in the First and Second World War as pretty pointless. It could have been won without you, thank the Russians for that. :)

Then, apparently, you guys aren't very smart. Fact: Britain was on the verge of total destruction until the United States entered the war. Britain would have died without American intervention. Plain and simple. The accomplishments of the American military in the European theater were vast. If you actually beliewe that our involvment in WWII was "pointless", then there are three possibilites:

1.) You are very, very stupid.
2.) You are jusy trying to be obnoxious (my money is on this one).
3.) Brits are a lot more arrogant that they think they are. Considering the attitudes of British officers in WWII, I actually would not be surprised if you were taught that we didn't accomplish much in the war.

Seriously, I hope your attitude towards American involvment in the war is not the norm over there. If it is, then that's pretty fucking sad, because, as clichè as it sounds, we did save your asses.

That being said, I do not think that the American military of WWII was equal to the German. Our industrial capablities were superior, yes, but being too far away from the enemy for them to bomb our factories helped with that. The Germans has the best weapons (I think we can all agree there), excellent leadership, morale, training and tactics. They just bit off more than they could chew at one time.

As for you're question: Yes. Without Pearl Harbor, I think America would have entered the war. It may not have been a popular move, though.
Sorry my ignorance?! Read what you put before. Yes I realise you supplied us, but my arguement was to do with the armed forces getting involved not about financial issues. You are by far more ignorant if you think the Russians were shit. Try telling that to them who lost 20 million people, had their country destroyed and had to face a much bigger army than the German force on the Western Front.

Financial? Um sorry we didn't send you money, WE SENT YOU FUCKING MATERIAL (Weapons/Ammunition/Bombs/etc.). I'm pretty sure that falls into the "Armed Forces" category.

Russians were "shit" and heres why. Lets start with WWI.

1. They surrendered
^ Thats all you need to know about that.


1. They had the worst leadership EVER. Morale was the worst. Equipment was the worst (save for the T-34, argueably best tank in the war). Industrial capacity complete shit.

All the russians had in WWII were numbers, thats what saved their ass, well... partially, what really saved their ass was Britain/America (mostly America) invading France/Africa. How many british airborne troops landed in France before D-Day? How many British Bombers were constantly bombing german industrial complexes/railroads/bridges day after day.

2. Russia was about to surrender to Germany until we pressured germany into sending MEN AND MATERIAL to the WESTERN FRONT. They weren't worried about Britain, they were worried about America.

Just because you lost 20million people doesn't mean that "you won" the war for allies. Russia hardly did nothing for any of the Allied countries. Meanwhile america was supplying every allied country with equipment/resources, fighting in multiple fronts, and on top of that, had basically air/sea dominance over the whole globe.

If we weren't in the war, Japan would have focused on Russia, so your having Russia to split their forces, all ready depleted as they were between two fronts, facing two of the best trained/equipped militaries in the world. Russia would have surrendered in a matter of months if not less. Japan all ready had China/Parts of Russia/Burma/Borneo/Manchuria/Phillipines etc. Not to mention Home Islands. Next they would have went for India, easy victory as Germany would then swing most of their men/material to the western front and finish off britain, leaving britain with nothing to hold back the japanese in India. Not to mention the germans completely overwhelming the Brits in Africa so easily.

You honestly can tell yourself our impact on WWII was "pointless"? Without the US sorry to say, the Allies were pretty much "pointless".

I mean its not like the british have ever heard of DUNKIRK for fucks sake. Yea really you REALLY showed the GERMANS there. France? God so pitiful. Who else is there for you to rely on? Canada? hahaha with their fleet of 5 ships. Yea, they are really going to swing the tide.

I'm waiting to hear who else there would have been to save your asses?
Then, apparently, you guys aren't very smart. Fact: Britain was on the verge of total destruction until the United States entered the war. Britain would have died without American intervention. Plain and simple. The accomplishments of the American military in the European theater were vast. If you actually beliewe that our involvment in WWII was "pointless", then there are three possibilites:

1.) You are very, very stupid.
2.) You are jusy trying to be obnoxious (my money is on this one).
3.) Brits are a lot more arrogant that they think they are. Considering the attitudes of British officers in WWII, I actually would not be surprised if you were taught that we didn't accomplish much in the war.

Seriously, I hope your attitude towards American involvment in the war is not the norm over there. If it is, then that's pretty fucking sad, because, as clichè as it sounds, we did save your asses.

That being said, I do not think that the American military of WWII was equal to the German. Our industrial capablities were superior, yes, but being too far away from the enemy for them to bomb our factories helped with that. The Germans has the best weapons (I think we can all agree there), excellent leadership, morale, training and tactics. They just bit off more than they could chew at one time.

As for you're question: Yes. Without Pearl Harbor, I think America would have entered the war. It may not have been a popular move, though.

Im sure some people are retarded here. One more time, I AM ITALIAN. GOT THAT? By English im talking about the people in my history classes, I live in England. Yeah?

Oh and ever heard Churchill's famous speech. The never surrender one? If I know one thing the English are mad as fuck and even more patriotic. It would have taken years for Germany to invade.
Russians were "shit" and heres why. Lets start with WWI.

1. They surrendered
^ Thats all you need to know about that.

They withdrew from WWI because of the Bolshevik Revolution, actually.

(save for the T-34, argueably best tank in the war).

Based on an American design! :)

All the russians had in WWII were numbers, thats what saved their ass, well... partially, what really saved their ass was Britain/America (mostly America) invading France/Africa. How many british airborne troops landed in France before D-Day? How many British Bombers were constantly bombing german industrial complexes/railroads/bridges day after day.

I think the Russian winter played a bigger role in their victory over Germany than we did. Drawing invaders deep into Russia and effectively trapping them there in the winter works everytime.

If we weren't in the war, Japan would have focused on Russia, so your having Russia to split their forces, all ready depleted as they were between two fronts, facing two of the best trained/equipped militaries in the world. Russia would have surrendered in a matter of months if not less. Japan all ready had China/Parts of Russia/Burma/Borneo/Manchuria/Phillipines etc. Not to mention Home Islands. Next they would have went for India, easy victory as Germany would then swing most of their men/material to the western front and finish off britain, leaving britain with nothing to hold back the japanese in India. Not to mention the germans completely overwhelming the Brits in Africa so easily.

The Russians and Japanese would not fight each other, actually. They had a standing pease-treaty thouought the war. The Russians actually would not aid the U.S. in any way that involed the war with Japan, actually. The Russians only broke the treaty and invaded Manchuria after the first A-Bomb was dropped. Also, the Japanese were horribly equipped, and their tactics were poor. It was their zeal that made them so incredibly difficult to fight.

I'm waiting to hear who else there would have been to save your asses?

Britain was as good as dead without us. Plain and simple.
Im sure some people are retarded here. One more time, I AM ITALIAN. GOT THAT? By English im talking about the people in my history classes, I live in England. Yeah?

Oh and ever heard Churchill's famous speech. The never surrender one? If I know one thing the English are mad as fuck and even more patriotic. It would have taken years for Germany to invade.

Who cares how long it would take, it was enivetable without the US intervention in WWII britain was dead.

Last I checked a speech didn't stop an invading army, ala Hitlers speeches didn't stop the Allies from storming to Berlin.

Your also believing what they teach you thus making you as ignorant as all the other english "blokes" in your classes.

More Patriotic? Hmmm, I would have to say no to that one. Just read about American civilian sacrifices in WorldWar II, we are on equal playing fields with any other country when it comes to Patriotism in that era. Not to mention our soldiers were the bravest/most ingenious(sp?) in WWII.

1. GuadalCanal (Read up)
2. IwoJima/Okinawa (Read up)
3. Battle of the Bulge (Read up)
4. Normandy/D-Day (Read up, especially about the American forces ingeniuty and ability to adapt to any situation far superior to any other countries)
5. We didn't need Higher ups telling us what to do, our Seargants were the best hands down in the whole war, they did what they had to on their own. They are true soldiers.
Oh and ever heard Churchill's famous speech. The never surrender one? If I know one thing the English are mad as fuck and even more patriotic. It would have taken years for Germany to invade.

Churchill also said that England could not stand up to Germany on their own. "Our long island story may be over".

The Germans would have had a fairly easy time invading England. They were in the process of bombing them back into the stone age when we entered the war. Everyone knew that Britain would have last a few more monthes, at the most.
They withdrew from WWI because of the Bolshevik Revolution, actually.

Based on an American design! :)

I think the Russian winter played a bigger role in their victory over Germany than we did. Drawing invaders deep into Russia and effectively trapping them there in the winter works everytime.

The Russians and Japanese would not fight each other, actually. They had a standing pease-treaty thouought the war. The Russians actually would not aid the U.S. in any way that involed the war with Japan, actually. The Russians only broke the treaty and invaded Manchuria after the first A-Bomb was dropped. Also, the Japanese were horribly equipped, and their tactics were poor. It was their zeal that made them so incredibly difficult to fight.

Britain was as good as dead without us. Plain and simple.

I wasn't talking about what happened, I was talking about WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED WITHOUT THE US IN THE WAR. You really think that if the US wasn't in the war Japan would not force russia into a two front war? Without the US in the war we would all be speaking Japanese and German right now.

Thats called reality, not me being ignorant or arrogant. Anyone with a brain knows this.

But, Yes I agree the winter had a huge factor, as Operation Barbarossa was meant to crush russia before winter. Well, it was a combination of these 3 things that lead to germany's defeat in Russia.

1. Hitler (god what an idiot @ stalingrad and everything post Op. Barbarossa)
2. Winter
3. America forcing germany to split forces between eastern/western fronts.

As you can plainly see Russia had nothing to do with any of those. (If you count Winter being in their military then they have 1/3 factors. << LOL)
Your also believing what they teach you thus making you as ignorant as all the other english "blokes" in your classes.

Likewise with you in your American history education. People are always going to be biased with the countries they are from/live in. 'America is the best, we won the war.' Sounds pretty biased and ignorant to me.

Just read about American civilian sacrifices in WorldWar II

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Thats the funniest thing ive read in months.
Likewise with you in your American history education. People are always going to be biased with the countries they are from/live in. 'America is the best, we won the war.' Sounds pretty biased and ignorant to me.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Thats the funniest thing ive read in months.

Its not american history, its HISTORY. If you fail to see what we did in WWII and choose to believe the "crazies" then so be it.

Its not Bias, its called FACTS<<FACTS<<FACTS<<FACTS<<FACTS<<FACTS<<FACTS<<FACTS<<FACTS<<FACTS<< (Let's see if you can understand that).

Its not bias if its TRUE. Fucking idiot. You obviously didn't read anything I just wrote, and its clear as DAY you have 0 KNOWLEDGE about War World II and I'm done arguing with one such as yourself.

And yes, the sacrifices were more resource management/work hours then anything else, if you don't know about that then whatever. Last I checked you don't need to be bombed to make sacrifices. Go look up the definition.
You are the stupiest fucker ive ever come across. I dont do argueing over the fucking internet, ive had enough. Ive studied the War for 13 odd years, and I can tell you know nothing. At least Andy actually knows what hes talking about. Talking to you is like talking to some mega liberal about racism.
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