the love thread

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German forces for D-Day - 80,000

German forces for Operation Barbarossa - 3.6 million

I think the Russians had a much harder task.

Your an idiot.

The WEHRMACHT alone had 400-500.000 soldiers stationed there on D-Day, thats not counting the Waffen SS, or the Luftwaffe.

That's just D-Day. Shall I go ahead and give you the figures for the rest of the campaign?
They withdrew from WWI because of the Bolshevik Revolution, actually.

At least somebody knows their history here!

Churchill also said that England could not stand up to Germany on their own. "Our long island story may be over".

The Germans would have had a fairly easy time invading England. They were in the process of bombing them back into the stone age when we entered the war. Everyone knew that Britain would have last a few more monthes, at the most.

I agree that the US was one of the many saving graces in Europe, but I don't think that Hitler's forces could have invaded England. A cross channel invasion into Britain, historically, has NEVER worked.

@ Faith -- I agree that each country has their own bias of history. However, saying that America made the greatest sacrifice is a bunch of bullshit, so I agree with you there.

The greatest civilian sacrifice was made by Russia, no doubt. At least 20 million dead....

And the Chinese. They got the shit knocked out of them as well by the Japanese.
So.... Anyone can post any bullshit on WikiPedia, thats why its free. I've created many articles on WikiPedia, mostly for school, that I'm sure you can look up and find. Just because its on the internet doesn't mean its true at all. I DEFINITELY wouldn't be trusting my information from that bullshit site. Anyways, back to the war....

I can't believe you're arguing about something that by no means was properly documented. History in and of itself is absolute bullshit. There isn't a history book in one country that would display the same information as the country next to it if the two ever went to war, that is unless one country overtook the other. History is as true as you make it, so arguing about it is absolute bullshit as it is. The only thing you can really state as a fact is the number of troops because I'm sure somebody documented it and there's no reason to lie about that. It makes as much sense as arguing about metal, and at least then everyone can get involved, so I'd much rather be reading about which of you thinks Opeth isnt progressive and Agalloch is a bunch of self-righteous pussies, at least then I could add my two cents worth and be heard.

Besides, the war is over, dono if you knew that.
At least somebody knows their history here!

I agree that the US was one of the many saving graces in Europe, but I don't think that Hitler's forces could have invaded England. A cross channel invasion into Britain, historically, has NEVER worked.

@ Faith -- I agree that each country has their own bias of history. However, saying that America made the greatest sacrifice is a bunch of bullshit, so I agree with you there.

The greatest civilian sacrifice was made by Russia, no doubt. At least 20 million dead....

And the Chinese. They got the shit knocked out of them as well by the Japanese.

I never said America made the greatest sacrifices. Please quote me where I said that.
this discussion takes nerdiness to levels I didn't even fathom could possibly exist

Nerd is too broad a term these days, it used to mean Star Wars / Computers / Star Trek / Dungeons and Dragons, etc., now it encompasses History as well?11!!111!!

Well I'm a nerd then, you going to do something about it? :)

Bring it bitch ^.^
You know I never thought about it before, but your name makes me sad. I don't know that I necessarily believe that I'm not hell-bound, but I'd like to think that good people are rewarded for being that way. I would be really depressed if I saw my mom in hell, because her whole life she's done everything she could to be a good person.

Anyways, I dono that loving wars is nerdy, but arguing over semantics might be. Details and feelings is a pretty stupid thing to argue over, and I'm pretty sure everyone knows that.

Derail your OH so interesting converstation that I could just go to a history class to get? No I slept through history, and you're making me sleepy as well. Get back to the lovin or the Mehhhtull discussion, at least then it was funny.

@Evil? Dude I like it better when you stick to your funny one-liners, most everything else you say is pretty boring and pointless as well.

Edit: In the history? Maybe back in the day there was some dood who just was kvlt as kvlt at guitar and sat in his straw house wailin away on his acoustic and it was heavenly. You dont know that. Don't say such a thing, youll hurt his feelings.
You know I never thought about it before, but your name makes me sad. I don't know that I necessarily believe that I'm not hell-bound, but I'd like to think that good people are rewarded for being that way. I would be really depressed if I saw my mom in hell, because her whole life she's done everything she could to be a good person.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
tom araya speaks the truth

Now I have you deep inside my everlasting grasp
The seven bloody Gates of Hell
Is where you'll live your last

Warriors from Hell's Domain
Will bring you to your Death
The flames of Hades burning strong
Your soul shall never rest

The Gates of Hell lie waiting as you see
There's no price to pay just follow me
I can take your lost soul from the grave
Jesus knows your soul can not be saved

Sacrifice the lives of all I know they
Soon shall die
Their souls are damned to rot in Hell
and keep the fire growing deep inside
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