the love thread

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everybody listen to that song that I just posted

Ok Dave I just listened to that, and I can tell you 100% now, hes not the most proficient technical guitarist ever, not even by a longshot.

I think your confusing passion/soul with technical abilities. I still say and will always say the most Technical guitarist by far is Batio. No one even comes close as to what he can do with a guitar. When this guy can play one of batio's songs, then I might agree with you.
Ok Dave I just listened to that, and I can tell you 100% now, hes not the most proficient technical guitarist ever, not even by a longshot.

I think your confusing passion/soul with technical abilities. I still say and will always say the most Technical guitarist by far is Batio. No one even comes close as to what he can do with a guitar. When this guy can play one of batio's songs, then I might agree with you.

batio blows monkey balls
batio blows monkey balls

Yep, playing left and right handed perfectly, actually playing every note perfectly, yea he sucks. Have you even listened to any of his CD's?

Whatever you can go have gay sex with Paco de Gayfer all you want, and believe he is the greatest thing since slide bread, but next time you say something as absurd as making a claim that someone with his "technical proficiency" is the best ever basically rememeber to toke up again, because obviously you have to be high to make such a statement.
he is a repetitive and mindless guitarist who has no idea whatsoever how to write songs

in terms of things like influence, versatility, songwriting, he is not even in the same planet as guys like de lucia,

wow he can play super fast, I am really impressed now :rolleyes:
he is a repetitive and mindless guitarist who has no idea whatsoever how to write songs

in terms of things like influence, versatility, songwriting, he is not even in the same planet as guys like de lucia,

wow he can play super fast, I am really impressed now :rolleyes:

What part of that is even relevant to what we are talkin about. Did you not read what I first posted. WERE TALKING ABOUT TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY (Had to caps it as you didn't comprehend it the first time). Batio by far is the most talented technical guitarist there is.

LOL you say versatility he isn't in the same planet? Damn you have no clue, it only took batio 2 years to become the best alternative picker in the world, he can play anything, right or left handed, fast or slow, acoustic or electric. Thats the epitome of versatility.

Listen to this...

Anyways, you said Paco is the most proficient technical guitarist, and this is what this arguement is about, stop bringing up other pointless shit that has no relevance.
listen to this song greys

if you are not impressed by that, you have shit taste in music as far I am concerned

Yeah that's nice. Probably not the best representation of Paco's playing though seeing as it's actually 3 guitarists playing at once. I like Al Di Meola as well, I've got an album of his on vinyl with Jaco Pastorius playing bass on one song, it's fucking excellent.

Your whole "he's the most technically proficient guitarist ever" argument is bollocks though. Just listen to the music and appreciate it, stop inventing unnecessary contests.
Yeah that's nice. Probably not the best representation of Paco's playing though seeing as it's actually 3 guitarists playing at once. I like Al Di Meola as well, I've got an album of his on vinyl with Jaco Pastorius playing bass on one song, it's fucking excellent.

Your whole "he's the most technically proficient guitarist ever" argument is bollocks though. Just listen to the music and appreciate it, stop inventing unnecessary contests.

I always laugh then when I see top 100 guitarist lists and paco/al/john mclaughlin is nowhere to be found, while morons like kurt cobain are in the top 30 :lol: :lol: :lol:
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