the love thread

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14 hours of homework, what are you writing your memoirs? Good christ thats a lot of work. Not only is that complete bullshit because my late girlfriend is a 4.0 student and was a 5.0 student in HS and didnt do that much HW, but the fact that you pretend you do even half of that is laughable. Internet tough guy? No I'm not the one posting about body building, I just have a tough time with people who pretend they do more than everyone else, and that the weight of the whole world rests on their lazy ass shoulders. 14 hours, right. Maybe you should try being, I don't know, one of your professors, who has to deal with grading EVERYTHING their 800 students give them in a timely fashion, on top of teaching a lesson plan, on top of a family. You body build, how much could you POSSIBLY be doing outside of that to have time to not just work out, but BODY BUILD?

I think I'm gona go build my body tonight by eating five taco's and an enchilada.

An internet tough guy is someone who tells other people via IM, chatrooms, forums, etc., that he can "kick [their] ass". In other words: you.
He was attempting to imply that TIAKN is an "internet tough guy" because he's actually intelligent enough to figure out that it has nothing to do with body building. Which is a retarded implication because there's no basis for it.
yea, bodybuilding has nothing to do with being an "internet tough guy". I freely admit that I have very little to no fighting skills, and would get my ass kicked severely by any amateur MMA Fighter. Then again, I don't train to fight
Children, children, children. Why must you fight? IcedMaidenallicaOnTheBlock, calm yourself. Some people like to give their schoolwork a lot of time, this doesn't mean they're lying bastards. If you're jealous of hell awaits muscles and lovely full brain because you're a five taco a time eating fat giant just come out and say so. You can cry, we're all friends.
Oh, oh shit! Dave- look out! It's am internet tough guy!

edit: Shit, I don't know who's dumber. Disamorida_Mundi, Amarantus or this jackass.

Whats the point bringing me into this? If you have some problems with me just IM me.

Clearly this all stems from the Official Picture thread and anyone with a brain knows what I said their is correct, even black leaders say the same damn things. Too much crime, too much out of wedlock babies, too much self-pity, etc. etc. Goddamn.

I don't know whos more ignorant you, or dave, but damn its leading down the path of you both pretty fucking retarded.

Now this is the last of this shit, if you want to continue, then we can in IM's or PM's, or frankly not because I could give two shits.

@ Dave, seriously stop this shit about your guitarist. So what you think hes the best, but anyone who disagrees is a "n00b" I mean seriously you say your in college, but you seriously don't act like it. The years of 1337 speak being "acceptable" was about 5 years ago.
Edit: I like both Disarmonia and Amarantus, maybe that shows something MIGHT be wrong with you.

Thank you, but I don't really know you that much, anyways, 14 hours of homework for a 20 hour course load is...well something's wrong with someone because it shouldn't take that long. Playing Halo 2 while studying never works, trust me.
V5, can you just request to ban Icedmaidenalaoihgklthlreuhglfd please? Its sort of becoming a pain in the ass to go into every thread and he him starting/participating in an extremely stupid, pointless argument with people.
He was attempting to imply that TIAKN is an "internet tough guy" because he's actually intelligent enough to figure out that it has nothing to do with body building. Which is a retarded implication because there's no basis for it.

Oh, now the universe makes sense.
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