the love thread

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Conspiracy is pretty disturbing. It's about Several Military, Government and Nazi Party officials meeting to discuss the "Jewish Question" and plan on how to "solve" it.

No gruesome images or anything. It's all dialouge, and it's chilling.
14 hours of homework, what are you writing your memoirs? Good christ thats a lot of work. Not only is that complete bullshit because my late girlfriend is a 4.0 student and was a 5.0 student in HS and didnt do that much HW, but the fact that you pretend you do even half of that is laughable. Internet tough guy? No I'm not the one posting about body building, I just have a tough time with people who pretend they do more than everyone else, and that the weight of the whole world rests on their lazy ass shoulders. 14 hours, right. Maybe you should try being, I don't know, one of your professors, who has to deal with grading EVERYTHING their 800 students give them in a timely fashion, on top of teaching a lesson plan, on top of a family. You body build, how much could you POSSIBLY be doing outside of that to have time to not just work out, but BODY BUILD?

I think I'm gona go build my body tonight by eating five taco's and an enchilada.

Edit: I like both Disarmonia and Amarantus, maybe that shows something MIGHT be wrong with you.

Don't pretend I didn't hurt your feelings. Misinformed, how's that? Because you don't hate yourself? Or because working 20 hours a week is a lot? Lets say you're even going to school 20 hours a week, which in college is a heavy course load for anyone. That's forty hours a week, which is 8 hours a day. WHOA, you're like a REAL PERSON! You all of a sudden are in REAL LIFE! Heaven forbid you do what EVERYONE ELSE DOES EVERY DAY. You're nothing special, if anything else you've posted 2700 times in less than seven months and that's about the saddest thing I've ever seen. Yeah, self-addmittingly fat, I'm also six feet five inches tall. I'd pound your protein shake drinking, steroid ass shooting punk ass into the next year. However I see you maintain such a busy schedule.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

What the fuck is everyone hating on him for? He's hilarious.

Big Gayve, and ThisIsACoolName, you both are the most annoying and ignorant posters here. And I'm certainly not the only one here to think so. Don't both of you fucking turds see that there isn't just me arguing with you just about every post you make. There's almost half of the goddamn board. Just fuck off and die already.

edit: Back on ignore you both go. PEACE
Big Gayve, and ThisIsACoolName, you both are the most annoying and ignorant posters here. And I'm certainly not the only one here to think so. Don't both of you fucking turds see that there isn't just me arguing with you just about every post you make. There's almost half of the goddamn board. Just fuck off and die already.

edit: Back on ignore you both go. PEACE

Ok, Amarantus. If you're going to put me on ignore, actually fucking keep it that way. You're acting like such a god damn pussy by popping your head in to (feebly) flame me and then protect yourself from having to comeback by pretending to ignore me. Even though you will read this, I don't really expect a response.

My main problem with you is that you pick the dumbest god damn shit to flame people over. You are so incredibly desperate to find something to make fun of that you'll use anything. "LOL what the fuck you just said its noon time GUESS WHAT DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME MOTHERFUCKER ITS 1! YOU. FAIL. PWNED". You're an internet tough guy, and you have never actually "argued" with anyone. Saying "lol no way you are ignorant fuck off. YOU. FAIL." is not arguing. You have this delusional idea that what you say is some how clever or remotley intelligent. I also think you are a liar.

But, hey, this is the love thread. I love having this week off, which means I don't have to get up at 6:00 AM early, which means I can stay up to watch Letterman and Conan. Letterman has not been entertaining me so much latley, though. Conan is a lot funnier but he has crappy guests most of the time.
Ok, Amarantus. If you're going to put me on ignore, actually fucking keep it that way. You're acting like such a god damn pussy by popping your head in to (feebly) flame me and then protect yourself from having to comeback by pretending to ignore me. Even though you will read this, I don't really expect a response.

My main problem with you is that you pick the dumbest god damn shit to flame people over. You are so incredibly desperate to find something to make fun of that you'll use anything. "LOL what the fuck you just said its noon time GUESS WHAT DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME MOTHERFUCKER ITS 1! YOU. FAIL. PWNED". You're an internet tough guy, and you have never actually "argued" with anyone. Saying "lol no way you are ignorant fuck off. YOU. FAIL." is not arguing. You have this delusional idea that what you say is some how clever or remotley intelligent. I also think you are a liar.

But, hey, this is the love thread. I love having this week off, which means I don't have to get up at 6:00 AM early, which means I can stay up to watch Letterman and Conan. Letterman has not been entertaining me so much latley, though. Conan is a lot funnier but he has crappy guests most of the time.

And what on earth could I possibly be lying about? Please exlpain that one to me.

edit: Let's be real here. You are trying to claim I pick the dumbest shit to flame people over, yet you nit-pick every tiny thing anyone ever says and tries to use it against them in some fashion to make your shithole ideas fact. Case in point, I don't flame multiple people, I flame Big Gayve. And had he not opened his fat fucking mouth and attacked me in the first place, I wouldn't have railed him for so long. But of course you knew that though didn't you, surely you did. Besides dumbshit dave, the only people that post here that I don't like are The Greys, which only makes sense considering he literally is the most retarded person here, and you because of the stupid shit you attempt to flame me for. Other than you three queers, I don't have a problem with anyone else, and no one else has a problem with me. Funny huh? Funny how everyone could possibly disagree with what you think most of the time but yet you think you are right. The only fucking argument you have on me is what I say, and had you actually known some history on me and how I've posted in the pasted up until now, and 90% of the board who has been around here since I started posting, ITS ALL IN HUMOR YOU CUNTRAG. DO NOT TAKE MOST OF WHAT I SAY SERIOUSLY, IF YOU DO THEN YOU ARE MORE STUPID THAN YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE. So in reality, yes you do fail, you fail big time. The funny part is, some of your comments are so retarded and pathetic that they don't even deserve a retort, so I just give you that typical "haha you're an idiot sucks to be you" line to piss you off, AND IT WORKS. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahah ahahahahahfhahahaha

Is anyone really surprised?
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