the love thread

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how can you dismiss an album because you think it sounds overly polished?? that's one tiny flaw (that doesn't even exist IMO, there's nothing wrong with the production)

some albums it works others not. do you think Darkthrone would sound good if they had a production as clear as Dimmu Borgir's?
I really don't understand mort divine's complaints with opeth

yea the songs are long, so what?? they are not boring at all. The transitions are fine (yea they are somewhat sudden but it doesn't sound forced at all).

my favorite opeth album is blackwater park for sure but choosing between opeth albums is like choosing which is the best lamborghini model

The songs are long and quite boring (I don't mind when a band does good long songs, like Agalloch), the riffs are overrepeated, and the sudden jaring transitions ruin ANY mood that was going on.
Certain riffs are way overrepeated, I agree, however, the long songs make them interesting. They're is always something good in the next minute or two to look forward to, it makes it an experience rather than a song. The transitions help make it interesting also, it doesn't get repetitive that way.

Bigdave -- My favorite is Ghost Reveries. They spent more time on it and it really fucking shows, nothing is rushed, everything is worked out and the songs are more interesting.
Agreed. It can be very frustrating. To cut it to the chase, the government wont spend any more tax money on expanding the public sector (in this case building prisons) - which are now so full that we can't house all the prisoners.

Meanwhile, the liberal fucks want a more "progressive and understtanding approach" to justice. I don't know much, but I have observed in ten years as a cop that burglars don't get a chance to burgle your house when they live in a fucking cell. Ditto for robbers, thieves, rapists,, you get the picture.

I'm not a huge fan of some aspects of American society, but by jove I wish we had your sentencing guidelines and prison-in-the-form-of-tents-and-work-parties-in-the-middle-of-a-desert system.
I'm a liberal fuck in certain situations... I think marijuana should be legalized, for example. But violent offenses like rape, and things like theft, etc. should have more heavy sentences than they do right now. Especially in the U.K. apparently. My main thing is I think that victimless crimes, such as marijuana (usually), should have light or no punishment, but if you hurt somebody, like stealing from them, committing fraud or identity theft, rape, etc. should have very harsh sentences.
I'm a liberal fuck in certain situations... I think marijuana should be legalized, for example. But violent offenses like rape, and things like theft, etc. should have more heavy sentences than they do right now. Especially in the U.K. apparently. My main thing is I think that victimless crimes, such as marijuana (usually), should have light or no punishment, but if you hurt somebody, like stealing from them, committing fraud or identity theft, rape, etc. should have very harsh sentences.

unless the girl is a cockteasing whore...
Rape is a choice by the man. He could have jacked off or found another girl to fuck, he didn't have to rape her in order to handle his business. The girl being a tease, no matter how bad, doesn't give the guy an excuse to rape her.

coming across like a true liberal...:rolleyes:

sometimes jacking off gets old and the man is too poor to afford a prostitute.
coming across like a true liberal...:rolleyes:

sometimes jacking off gets old and the man is too poor to afford a prostitute.

So I guess that makes it ok, then. Hey, he just couldn't afford a hooker, so it's alright. It's like the other day- I was very hungry, but I didn't have money to buy a sandwhich, so I just killed some woman and took her money. A man's got to eat right? What was I supposed to do?
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