the love thread

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I think that murderers should be put to death, and it is the only crime for which there should be the death penalty. Take a life, and lose yours, it's logical. I don't think rapists should be executed. Have THEM be violated, so they see how it feels (make the punishment fit the crime), and lock them up for most of their life. Actually, if they are locked up, they would most likely be violated over and over, anyways, so it in itself is a fitting punishment.
I'm generally liberal and want capital punishment to exist, think illegal immigration needs to be stopped, think that the thought of having Spanish required to be tought in schools is horrible, hate the idea of a Spanish national anthem, and staunchly oppose affirmative action.
I agree with all of this. For the most part, I'm socially somewhat conservative, but economically liberal.
Guyzzz, I am a c0nversationist liberal, I thnik teh gayzz shuoldt'n b3 ma2r1ied, adn mudrnerds shuald be put 2 deth cuz th2ey are teh b4dd!!!!111111111 Teh rap1st2 sh0u1d b3 cur1ied al1v4, adn s4ave teh whales, 0h yaeh... adn k1lll teh pr1iests, lol :heh:
If you do not have the capacity to participate in this dumb argument then stay out. I know I would probably fail miserably, I don't know jack shit about politics. So better to stay out of it than troll like a moron. Fuck off.
Only retards participate in these conversations anyway, it's like arguing about what you would do if you had a billion dollars, it is never gonna happen and if you did have a billion dollars you would most likely not be doing any of the shit you said you would.

Anyway, I don't believe in the life sentence. I think people should be given max 10-15 years, anything more than that and they might as well be dead anyway... Or maybe they should legalize euthanasia for convicts, haha, maybe that would be too ironic though
I think the death penalty should become less dramatic. Just take them somewhere and blow their head off with a fucking shotgun or something, no need to black out city blocks to electrocute them or spend thousands of dollars on poison. God, our government is stupid.

What the hell are you talking about? Please don't base your opinions off of cartoons.
1) Killing a killer is not "justice"
2) Capital punishment has proven to be an ineffective deterrent
3) It costs more overall to execute a criminal than it does to keep him for life

I support a "liberal" (the actually definition of the word, not the connotations implied) reorganization of the criminal justice system, which is pretty fucked as far as I'm concerned. The criminal justice system's main mission is supposed to remove harmful individuals from the general public. It's not an eye for an eye system. You go to jail because you're a danger to society. If you are legitimately rehabilitated and are fully capable to be a successful, prosperous member of society, you don't need to be kept behind bars. And you sure as fuck don't need to be executed.
You want to take the risk of letting someone slip through and have him kill again? Fuck it, kill 'em all, it actually is cheaper if they did it right (how fucking expensive is rat poison? Nicotine? An overdose of pretty much any medicine? Find a drug that results in a gentle quick death and give it to 'em.)
from what I remember, a huge % of released sex offenders commit similar crimes after their jail time is over

here in Springfield a couple months ago a guy was released from prison for raping and robbing some people.
He proceeded to shoot a guy in the stomach and rob 12 businesses.

He is the personification of a low life and should have been killed 20 years ago for when he raped.
Rehabilitation obviously is not feasible option for most violent inmates, I never said the practice would be widespread. Nor did I propose an actual plan to do this. I'm not fucking talking pragmatically, rather ideally. I do believe that some people can be rehabilitated from whatever mental state that led them to commit whatever crime that they did, and I believe that those people deserve that opportunity. I also believe that those who are not rehabilitated don't deserve to be out in society. I dislike "sentences." I think you should be isolated from society until you can prove that you can live normally, not until your 15 year sentence is expired, because that doesn't do shit. A serious rehabilitation program would include extremely rigorous criteria for determining who's truly rehabilitated, and anyone who is released and commits another crime spawned by some psychotic, antisocial condition of mind should spend the rest of their lives away from society. Killing them is just further unnecessary crime.
sad just sad. why do you care about murderers and rapists and people who attack and blah blah blah?
they are bad people! You kill them and get rid of them. bam its all fixed, they wont hurt anyone ever again.
stop being such a fucking pussy! people like you are ruining this country.
1) Killing a killer is not "justice"
2) Capital punishment has proven to be an ineffective deterrent
3) It costs more overall to execute a criminal than it does to keep him for life

I support a "liberal" (the actually definition of the word, not the connotations implied) reorganization of the criminal justice system, which is pretty fucked as far as I'm concerned. The criminal justice system's main mission is supposed to remove harmful individuals from the general public. It's not an eye for an eye system. You go to jail because you're a danger to society. If you are legitimately rehabilitated and are fully capable to be a successful, prosperous member of society, you don't need to be kept behind bars. And you sure as fuck don't need to be executed.

It's called punishment for what you have done. You can be rehabilitated all you want, but you sure as hell going to do the time for the crime.

If I molest a child, and, they sentence me to 25 years, you sure as hell going to do those 25 years.

Its been found rehabilitative justice does not work. Just look at vermont.

People like you have no compassion for the victims.
It's not just about rehabilitating the wrongdoer, it's rehabilitating society. We can use capital punishment to reduce crime rates and proudly say "look, our society has improved". Meanwhile people will still want to rape but won't because they fear the punishment. It's just hiding the problem behind outcomes and a give/take mentality (do the crime, do the time). Do you really want to live in that kind of society? Or would you rather be assured by the conviction that your fellow countrymen don't rape because it's wrong.
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