the love thread

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Oh I forgot his name lol. OK, now that I know who you're talking about, what the fuck are you talking about? Lexicon of languages speech? Wtf is that?

One time I posted some thing about how dumb something someone said was and Dave liked it. It started with something about "lexicon of languages" (which I know is sort of redundant but I wanted to say "lexicon").
There aren't enough words in the english language- hell, the entire lexicon of languages the world over- to describe how incredibly wrong this is. Not only is it wrong in that it is ignorant, but in that it is so incredibly incorrect on a factual level. Holy fucking God, how stupid can a human being get? In my life I've encountered people who have been unintelligent, yes- I've encounted my share of people who suffered from mental disabilities. People with downs syndrome, autism, and so on. However, I have never once encountered someone so stupid as to be capable of thinking something so unbelievably off-base. I didn't even think it possible that anyone in our plain of existence could ever even have the capacity for this level of idiocy.

So either I was wrong, or what "insert poster" just said was actually the greatest joke ever told in the history of the universe
I'm a liberal fuck in certain situations... I think marijuana should be legalized, for example. But violent offenses like rape, and things like theft, etc. should have more heavy sentences than they do right now. Especially in the U.K. apparently. My main thing is I think that victimless crimes, such as marijuana (usually), should have light or no punishment, but if you hurt somebody, like stealing from them, committing fraud or identity theft, rape, etc. should have very harsh sentences.

No rapist should be left alive.
No murderered should be left alive.
If you are mentally ill and you commit a crime such as die.
Im so sick of these pussy ass liberals not wanting capital punishment.... yet abortion is ok. fucking idiots.

fuck everyone who feels differently. Someone kills someone else and they get fucking 15-20 years in prison. fuck that bullshit!
meanwhile if you are caught doing drugs you are put away for a long ass time.

(before you say something stupid realize that Im all for capital punishment and abortion. Less people the better, this planet needs more human deaths)
No rapist should be left alive.
No murderered should be left alive.
If you are mentally ill and you commit a crime such as die.
Im so sick of these pussy ass liberals not wanting capital punishment.... yet abortion is ok. fucking idiots.

fuck everyone who feels differently. Someone kills someone else and they get fucking 15-20 years in prison. fuck that bullshit!
meanwhile if you are caught doing drugs you are put away for a long ass time.

(before you say something stupid realize that Im all for capital punishment and abortion. Less people the better, this planet needs more human deaths)
There's something I'm conservative about.... the death penalty and abortion and gun control. Kill somebody or rape somebody you fucking die. End of story. If you're mentally unstable, you're more of a risk to kill or rape again, so you fucking die. I agree with all of that, except I'm a little shaky on abortion.
There's something I'm conservative about.... the death penalty and abortion and gun control. Kill somebody or rape somebody you fucking die. End of story. If you're mentally unstable, you're more of a risk to kill or rape again, so you fucking die. I agree with all of that, except I'm a little shaky on abortion.

What's your rationale for killing them? (What do you hope to achieve?)
No rapist should be left alive.
No murderered should be left alive.
If you are mentally ill and you commit a crime such as die.
Im so sick of these pussy ass liberals not wanting capital punishment.... yet abortion is ok. fucking idiots.

fuck everyone who feels differently. Someone kills someone else and they get fucking 15-20 years in prison. fuck that bullshit!
meanwhile if you are caught doing drugs you are put away for a long ass time.

(before you say something stupid realize that Im all for capital punishment and abortion. Less people the better, this planet needs more human deaths)

I'm generally liberal and want capital punishment to exist, think illegal immigration needs to be stopped, think that the thought of having Spanish required to be tought in schools is horrible, hate the idea of a Spanish national anthem, and staunchly oppose affirmative action.
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