The mars volta

looks like on July 28th, TMV's drummer quit :erk:

"The Mars Volta cast that performed Amputechture will be modified for live dates that begin imminently, with drummer Jon Theodore replaced by Blake Fleming, formerly of Laddio Bolocko and Dazzling Killmen and actually the drummer who played on the very first Mars Volta demos."

purdy big shoes to fill, eh?
Sp I've finally started really getting into these guys. Absolutley incredible band!!!!!
Is frances as good as Deloused?? I simply can't get enough of Deloused @ the moment!!!!!!!!!! track 5 is my favourite right now!
in limbow said:
Find some better music.

The Mars Volta should be known as nothing but quality fyi. They are a tremendous band, It could benefit anyone who doesnt like them straight off, to take the time to listen to it again and let it soak in. Its very rewarding and enjoyable.

Illidurit said:
says the at the drive in fan

I enjoy at the drive in too. Mars Volta are bettor tho tbh.