The Never Ending Now Playing Thread

Vreid - I Krig (2007)

Right, i love all the songs of Vintersorg, but i really miss some english songs...i can't sing on swedish....well, i cant sing on english neither hahahahaha, but is easiest to understand :D

I hope the next LP includes some song on english.

NOOOOOOO! I know some miss the English lyrics, but hey, simply learn Swedish and study the lyrics in that language :p . One should always be willing to learn a new language.

I love the lyrics in Swedish, they're much, much more poetic (with more rhyme and the like). If Mr V is Swedish, why should he write in English? Like R+ once said in a song called Amerika: "No I don't speak my mother tongue".


Fantasier sipprar fram, sprungna ur en helhetsönskan
Och knäpper på visionens mångfärgade strängar
Smyger förbi vinterkylan ut i sommargrönskan
Som breder ut sig över fridsälla ängar
Was gonna post Amorphis...

An ok song, a bit light and poppy. They probably set out to release the poppiest song first like for the last album.
That's probably the worst Amorphis song in a looooong time. I think it's the only one I'd say to be "lousy" or "mediocre" of the entire Tomi era. Not sure if it's a grower; not sure if releasing an album every two years is good either.


OK 2nd listen wasn't as bad as the first, but I sill think that the non-chorus parts really lack a lot in composition. Chorus is very catchy, as Djöfull said, very "poppy".
Collection of Steve Di Giorgio recordings: today I heard - mostly at work - the Sadus discography - except Out for Blood, Some Autopsy albums, Vintersorg's VFTSG and TFB, Scariot's Momentum Shift, Futures End debut, Death's Human/ITP, Dark Hall, some songs from Testament's The Gathering/Control Denied and Heathen's Evolution of Chaos.
NOOOOOOO! I know some miss the English lyrics, but hey, simply learn Swedish and study the lyrics in that language :p . One should always be willing to learn a new language.
I love the lyrics in Swedish, they're much, much more poetic (with more rhyme and the like).

Oh I'm puzzled here. I miss the English lyrics too, they were brilliant. But Swedish is a beautiful language to listen to...
But I have an inner conflict: my father is Norwegian, and I can't even speak the language. Maybe I should learn Norwegian first? Oh I don't know... I really want to understand Vintersorg's lyrics. Rhaaa.
Oh I'm puzzled here. I miss the English lyrics too, they were brilliant. But Swedish is a beautiful language to listen to...
But I have an inner conflict: my father is Norwegian, and I can't even speak the language. Maybe I should learn Norwegian first? Oh I don't know... I really want to understand Vintersorg's lyrics. Rhaaa.

Meh I don't miss the English lyrics. Even if they're great, the Swedish ones are much more beautiful. Might as well learn Swedish, 'tis in your genes. Think of which one would be most useful? Would you practise Norwegian with your father? If not, I'd go for Svenska.
Oh I'm puzzled here. I miss the English lyrics too, they were brilliant. But Swedish is a beautiful language to listen to...
But I have an inner conflict: my father is Norwegian, and I can't even speak the language. Maybe I should learn Norwegian first? Oh I don't know... I really want to understand Vintersorg's lyrics. Rhaaa.

If you learn Norwegian you'll understand Swedish.