No, you're right, I don't really consider them to be terribly metal. Though I enjoyed both a bit here and there, neither were really my cup o' tea. Still, hard to argue with things that remind you of the Cure.
Still, what about death metal in French? Or Greek?
As to Primordial: cause I'm BORED. I know, it's horrible to say, but it's TRUE. I'm really, really bored. I went back and listened to their old stuff and I still love all of this, but this new Primordial record is boring me to tears! I can't figure it out!!
Actually, as of now, Moonsorrow is the only follow up record I've liked this year. The new Amorphis has been really hard to get into as well, though it's starting to grow on me. It's like all of these big named bands that I love are putting out a record that I just simply don't like as well as their last one. I'm wondering what's going on, maybe my expectations are too high? The new Amon Amarth? *Yawn* (Though their last one wasn't great). New Septic Flesh? Ok, but not nearly as good as Communion. The new Amorphis is great, but it doesn't click for me like Skyforger and the previous discs did. I dunno, I'm a little worried.
But Samael - Lux Mundi is excellent!