Ihsahn - Frozen Lakes on Mars (http://www.guitarworld.com/ihsahn_frozen_lakes_on_mars)
This album is definitely going to be in my top 10 for 2009. I have been a huge fan of Anneke van Giersbergen for a long time and she compliments Devin's style perfectly.
hell yeah!!Arcturus - Shipwrecked Frontier Pioneer
Månegarm // Nattväsen
It leaked? The release is later this month, isn't it?
Edit: I suppose you may have gotten your hands on a promo to review?
Promo! Got it today! Sounds great.Reviewing is great for free music ahead of time. The release date the 19th of November in Sweden.
How is it compared to "Vargstenen"? I'm really looking forward to this album. 19th seems so far away. Can you give us a quick review please?
Well, it's very similar in my opinion. I'd say that there's more folky breakdowns, lots of great catchy melodies but still heavy and pretty fast. I like it a lot.
you can listen to 3 tracks (Nattväsen, Mina Fäders Hall, Vetrarmegin) from the new album on their myspace:Well, it's very similar in my opinion. I'd say that there's more folky breakdowns, lots of great catchy melodies but still heavy and pretty fast. I like it a lot.