The New album is called Watershed : Out June 2nd

Well you´re Swedish so go buy close-up :)

Some outtakes for the other guys:
(At this point the songs hadn´t been given any names so i dont know which song is which.)

""Metal 1" starts with doomy Voivod-chords leaning against a steady drumbeat. Ghostlike pianosounds follow and then we´re taken down to the darkest regions of hell. Riffs go all over the place everywhere and it´s not easy to keep up,something that later will prove to be representative for the whole album. Apart from Voivod and Mastodon also widely spread things like King Diamond and Carnivore pops up in my head"

"It sure sounds a lot "Opeth",but the music is dressed in a much more dirty and meaner dress than usual,which also applies to Mikaels growling which is both more deep and guttural"

"Metal II begins with some aocustic picking where a folky tone takes its way in. Suddenly all hell breaks loose and we get to hear..blastbeats! The pre-talk about Opeth becoming heavier and faster shows itself to be partly true. The drumming is absolutely phenomenal,the difference with Axe and Lopez is that Mr Axe has a much more dirty and more metalish go than Lopez more light drumming. Over the chaotic blastbeats we get to hear Mikael sing clean. Probably a thing to get used to, but the combination of blastbeats and clean vocals feels a bit shizo at the moment. The bombastic,krautish parts makes me wanna have more"

"The albums powerballad "Deep Floyd" is next. A powerful and forwardgoing piece with a strong chorus and hints of Deep Purples David Coverdale-era,plus King Crimsons beautiful "In the wake of poseidon". A cool thing is the "untuning" guitar in the end of the song"

"A representative from the record company says he´s heard the record about ten times and first now the music is starting to settle in with him. And i guess that´s how it is. Opeths tenth album demands time. Maybe more time than any of the groups previous albums"

There´s descriptions for all the songs but i dont have the energy to translate it all.
Seems very promising anyway.

Please traslate all the songs when you recover the energy it look very detailed thanks!
I was going to pretend that i had enough of a life to not take the effort to translate the rest of the song descriptions but what the hell.

"First out is the mellow "Zeppelin",the albums shortest track. Dur and moll is mixed and Mikael shares the vocal duties with Nathalie Lorichs. I dont know if the three minutes and seven seconds long interlude is such a jeans creamer that the record company wants to say but still a easy listened introduction to a hard listened album.

""Tool/Sabbath/Tull" starts in a doomy manner with a riff that stinks Candlemass and Black Sabbath long way. Not because the riff sounds like anything Leif Edling or Tony Iommi would write,here it´s rather the feeling that counts. A calm vers follows,followed by the return of the heavy riff,something that puts even more of a Sabbath-feel to the whole thing. Very Good. The song takes whole new turns when a "For Whom The Bell Tolls" harmony drives a hypnotizing chord progression that never wants to end. The final impression is nice but anonymous."

"The albums long runner "The Epic" starts with fatal and bluesy soloing. Something that could be a verse starts and the mellotrone has a constant presence. Then it gets twisting. Backward voices in true Twin Peaks-spirit takes on,a black metal harmony takes over,when the albums most typical Opeth-part starts. Black metal dramatic and dissonant moll chords against a mat of thundering bassdrums. A threatful crescendo is pulsating and the Voivod-feel from the first track takes on. I sigh of relief when the song is over. To me the first time impressions are way too many and i dont really know which eyes to shut or which knees to hammer on. But the strange thing is that i like what i´ve heard."

"The bombasticness - that has a presence throughout the whole album - gets almost filmical proportions in the last track "Middle eastern introspection" The telephone-voice,that was used on among others Blackwater Park and Deliverance,is back. As the working title implies it is a middle eastern sounding ending track with big riffs and melancholic mellotron playing. Exciting but hard to grab."
Thanks for translating astronaut mattsson! It sounds very exciting, this release will deviate the comet that is supposed to hit the earth on 2012. It will be THAT good.
Correction:this will be their ninth album and not their tenth,which of course none of you already knew :) . Wasn´t me who wrote the article though.
When are we going to see the new album artwork already.. Im so impatient lol
I'm sure it will be good :kickass:
1. Orchid
2. Morningrise
3. My Arms, Your Hearse
4. Still Life
5. Blackwater Park
6. Deliverance
7. Damnation
8. Ghost Reveries
9. Roundhouse Tapes
10. Watershed

Looks like their tenth album to me. ;)

If you're gonna include rounhouse tapes you should probably include lamentations too.