The nu metal equation

ChiefB said:
Therefore the third testament of GUGSWAY - "Hang about with 14 year olds outside a 7-11 on a Friday night screaming "Nigga go home" as each black man walks in for a six pack. " :tickled:
That's actually not to dissimilar to what me and my mates were doing until recently :err:

Nu-metal is one of those things I am happy to disregard out of simple prejudice. I spent a good few years having to put up with that shit being thrown at me by TV, magazines and mates, and I'm sick to death of it all and see no reason to tolerate it.

Think about it... yes, you've seen this before, but not in any liquor store... :loco:
Dreamlord said:
I see two schools of nu-metal. And why not? We have different types of death metal (brutal, melo), many types of doom, different types of black metal, etc. Why can't nu-metal have different types? It can, and it does.

This is exactly what I'm seeing / listening presently. I must admit that I quite like Evanescence because it feels in the same ball park as Lacuna Coil and The Gathering. But is that considered nu-Metal, because from a "review" perspective one could take it as Gothic. The boundaries are a complete blur. :hypno:

markgugs said:
And Serj can still suck a fat dick.

Your strength of will power is too strong. I see nothing can hold you back - not even a straight jacket! Therefore, you give me no choice but to invoke the fourth pillar of GUGSWAY, purely to remind you and our followers - "Instead of having people who disagree with Bush leave their own country, how about just getting rid of Bush? That way, 99% of the US population can stay at home and be happy." :tickled:

Six pack? As if any black man I've ever seen buys a whole six pack. Had you said 40 ozs, this would be more accurate. :tickled:

Is this about booze or your fantasy with black men - from the waist down! :grin:
ChiefB said:
Therefore, you give me no choice but to invoke the fourth pillar of GUGSWAY, purely to remind you and our followers - "Instead of having people who disagree with Bush leave their own country, how about just getting rid of Bush? That way, 99% of the US population can stay at home and be happy." :tickled:
Best pillar yet! Now just give us some free booze and some beautiful naked big tittied bitches and I'm set! :Spin:
ChiefB said:
This is exactly what I'm seeing / listening presently. I must admit that I quite like Evanescence because it feels in the same ball park as Lacuna Coil and The Gathering. But is that considered nu-Metal, because from a "review" perspective one could take it as Gothic. The boundaries are a complete blur. :hypno:
From my perspective, the line can be drawn based on:

1) The band's past. Did the band actually come from the underground, build a fanbase, and in some form, stay "metal"? Or is the band just an "image" band, and the latest corporate band for the masses?

I can see the musical comparisons between LC and Evanescence. But LC came from the underground and are therefore, considered metal. They've released 4 albums and "paid their dues" and "earned their stripes".

Evanescence just strikes me as cliche. They got popular off a song from a movie soundtrack with nu-metal rap in it. How am I suppose to take this band seriously? It reeks of corporate marketing.

LC and The Gathering are obviously more talented, but Evanescence just happens to be from the States.

2) How popular is the band? Granted, a band hard rock/metal band that just pops up in the mainstream will immediately be branded nu-metal, but so far I've yet to see an exception. Thenagain, I don't pay attention to what the masses buy these days.

3) Where is the band from? Obviously, nu-metal is American. I'm not sure if it has infected Europe or anywhere else. But bands in America were deliberately making nu-metal only a year ago. Now it seems they are trying to be "different" because nu-metal has run its course.
Dreamlord said:
The other type was lead by Limp Bizkit, which is basically rap metal. Bands like Papa Roach, Disturbed, System of a Down and their ilk belong here.
You'd put SoaD in that category? What do you define as "rap metal" then? When I think of 'rap', I think of 'hip hop'. That to me implies hip hop beats, samples, turntable mixing and scratching, and actual rapping - and I don't hear SoaD doing any of that stuff.

I do agree that Limp Bizkit (and Linkin Park) are probably the big acts that blur across to the hip hop genre. I don't think I've heard any Papa Roach or Disturbed, and even if I have, I wouldn't recognize them.
I think Serj from SoaD sounds more like a beatnik than a blingin' rap star.

Disturbed is kinda like Godsmack. Not rap, just boring.
I'm basing SOAD's status strictly on the debut, which is the only one I've heard. I don't need to hear hip hop beats or a turn table to consider it rap. To me, Rage Against the Machine was rap metal, simply because the dude was rapping. All of the weird sounds were done by Morello's guitar, without turntables or programming. t baffles me that people don't consider RATM as rap metal. Hell, they may be more guilty than Korn for unleashing this crap on us.

RATM and SOAD are the same to me. Metal instruments with a rapping singer.
Yeah, you see, whether you like his vocal delivery or not, I just don't see Serj Tankian rapping at all. I would definitely agree that there is some rap in Zach de la Rocha's style, and people like Fred Durst absolutely rap, but Tankian? His style is just fast delivery, but it 'aint exactly 50 Cent or Tupac.
having the beer shits for 6 days in a row > listening to 10 seconds of 50 Cent

That shit seriously makes my stomach squirm. :Puke:
Dreamlord said:
To me, Rage Against the Machine was rap metal, simply because the dude was rapping. All of the weird sounds were done by Morello's guitar, without turntables or programming. It baffles me that people don't consider RATM as rap metal. Hell, they may be more guilty than Korn for unleashing this crap on us.
Agreed. Personally, I think Tom based nearly his entire guitar style around the solo from King Crimson's Three of a Perfect Pair...
JayKeeley said:
Yeah, you see, whether you like his vocal delivery or not, I just don't see Serj Tankian rapping at all. I would definitely agree that there is some rap in Zach de la Rocha's style, and people like Fred Durst absolutely rap, but Tankian? His style is just fast delivery, but it 'aint exactly 50 Cent or Tupac.
I guess to me, a sort of fast delivery sounds rappish. To me, a singer can combine rap and singing, like RATM, Linkin Park, Disturbed, but I'm still gonna call them rap metal. SOAD's singer sounded rappish to me in some songs, and then he'd start singing in his yodeling voice. Very annoying.

Slipknot is another one. The singer has a very quick delivery that sounds like rap, then they will have an almost straight up rap song. Hell the band even has a turntable, yet people will fight to the death claiming they aren't nu-metal. :err:

Hell, I even hear rap in Opeth's "Serenity Painted Death". :dopey:
Listen to that part, and you'll see what I mean.

Swano had zilch to do with Still Life. He was only involved with the first two, which happen to be the best ones. SL was produced and recorded at Fredman, so blame that Fredrik guy.