Undertaker gets to decide whether he wins or loses his matches at this point. Word is that he decided sometime in the leadup to the match that his body couldn't handle it and it was time to retire. It was his call and not really a story decision. It's definitely more valuable to WWE to keep Undertaker unbeaten, but he's so respected that he makes the call.I always watched wrestling in the 90s with my pap and I'm pretty sure I just couldn't realize how stupid it was. And making the undertaker lose to Brock Lesnar was just gay. Why not let him go out to a good guy character like Sheamus instead of a heel? Could have had a big moment with him afterward and it wouldn't have felt so..... dirty. Makes no sense to me at all.
Also, Undertaker is so beloved by the fans that if a good guy beat him he would take a lot of heat over it. Lesnar was the right guy. It would be too much of a burden on an up and comer to take on the streak. Guys like Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns weren't ready yet.