The Official Good Television Thread

I don't want to hear it from your pedophile ass, dreaming over a 16 year old.

gonna have to think about how many not named dark and the leftovers

The Leftovers debuted in 2014 and Dark in 2017. I'm thinking more like actually new shit. 2019 onwards type of stuff. I've heard great things about The North Water for example.
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i love the first two seasons of dark a lot.

i've barely seen anything post-2017 but looking over my logs:
a rewatch of the terror hit home how good that was, probably my favourite from 2018 onwards. i really liked s1 of russian doll, and mostly liked after life as i've mentioned before. i think you should leave was solid sketch comedy in a time when sketch comedy seems pretty dead (odenkirk and heidecker cameos should tell you what kind of thing it is).
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Russian Doll was killer, hope S2 doesn’t fuck things up. I’d also put Midnight Mass up there as far as super recent stuff goes.

The Expanse is also one of the best series I’ve seen in a while. Final season was bumpy, but that’s what you get when the studio only gives you six episodes; they did solid work in minimal time. And the first three seasons are stellar TV, no matter how you slice it. (I know Expanse debuted a while ago, so not really recent)
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I like The Expanse but I'm a little disappointed that it peaked in season 3 with the mutiny episode. The last three seasons were a bit of a non-event.

My favorite shows of the last couple years I can think of off the top of my head are Midnight Mass, Loki, Squid Game and Invincible. But I haven't been keeping up with TV shows very well lately.
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I've recently been going through all the MCU movies again, just have to watch Shang Chi and the new Spider-Man and I'm fully caught up, and I was considering checking out all the different series too. Seems like the consensus is Loki is the only one worth a fuck.
Falcon and Winter Soldier is fine, it doesn't really cohere into a satisfying whole but it adds some interesting elements to the setting. I love that we're now getting these torch-passing developments in cinematic adaptations of superhero comics, but I also wonder if people actually like Anthony Mackie as Falcon/Captain America because I find him extremely dull. It's almost endearing how his every attempt at a wisecrack falls flat, like he's too mellow to come up with a joke that actually lands. Maybe that's what they were going for. Idk. I love Winter Solider though, one of my favorite characters in the MCU.

WandaVision started out very unique and interesting but devolved into typical MCU spectacle porn towards the end. It's ok.

They really hit it out of the park with Loki, though. The rest I haven't seen. They're making too damn many of them to keep up.
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Hawkeye is the only other series iirc. I read that a multiverse version of the Loki antagonist will be the big bad in the third Ant-Man movie and eventually the next MCU big bad in general, so I'm intrigued af.

About Falcon, yeah I'm not really sure how I feel about him. He is kind of dull tbh, but Bucky is also one of my favourite characters so I might check it out anyway.

She-Hulk I'm pretty sure is the next MCU show in production.
The Leftovers debuted in 2014 and Dark in 2017. I'm thinking more like actually new shit. 2019 onwards type of stuff. I've heard great things about The North Water for example.

I'm with ya, just thinking of the last two shows that'll stand the test of time. And dark goofed on the last season
I’d also put Midnight Mass up there as far as super recent stuff goes.
is this Flanagan show the same as his others? Seen at least two of his and the terrible structure was all too apparent in yellow jackets
is this Flanagan show the same as his others? Seen at least two of his and the terrible structure was all too apparent in yellow jackets

Is it the same? No, it's not the same. Is it horror? Not really... but kind of? It's more like a drama masquerading as horror. I think there was maybe one jump scare the entire season. Very different from the Haunting series.

Flanagan didn't make Yellowjackets.
I know he didn't write or participate in yellow jackets, but Flanagan seems to like the style of

episode 1: introduce plot, horror element. Pique interest
episodes 2-previous to final episode: introduce every character with seemingly little value added to the story introduced in episode 1
Final episode: mediocre payoff for the time invested

And I would call this the cash grab episodic structure. And yellow jackets definitely followed this for little payoff, if any, after one season
I know he didn't write or participate in yellow jackets, but Flanagan seems to like the style of

episode 1: introduce plot, horror element. Pique interest
episodes 2-previous to final episode: introduce every character with seemingly little value added to the story introduced in episode 1
Final episode: mediocre payoff for the time invested

And I would call this the cash grab episodic structure. And yellow jackets definitely followed this for little payoff, if any, after one season

To each their own, but I would say there's been far more than "little" payoff. On one hand, it's a show that scratches certain genre itches--it's pulpy, bloody, funny, gothic-y, mysterious, etc.--all of which is just plain fun. If you don't enjoy well executed genre tropes, then so be it.

But beyond that, all of the character building and plot moves felt calculated, with the exception of certain present-day choices. But these felt minor to me in light of the entire show. I think you fail to recognize the importance that each character's backstory has for the way they behave in the woods. Very little of that is pointless or meandering.

Then again, maybe you just don't care for a show about teen girls/women. In which case, fine; but you're wrong that it's narratively weak. It's narratively exciting (usually), well-acted, and most important, it's fucking fun. By all means, skip out on the future seasons; at least we won't have to argue about them. ;)