The Official Good Television Thread

Finished Station Eleven on HBO. It was ok, overly sentimental at times (especially toward the end). I liked it better when it wasn't taking itself seriously.

It felt like it wanted to be an inversion of McCarthy's The Road, but it didn't balance utter despair with levity all that well. I would have appreciated more diversions into the absurd.
I think you fail to recognize the importance that each character's backstory has for the way they behave in the woods.

I think you vastly over complicate and congratulate this world building. Natalie's and Shauna's teenage backstory is in no way complicated, unique or anything worth spending significant time on, yet that's the direction they chose. I think I would argue Natalie's future arc would be more interesting if they did not depict what happened after the crash, because it's obvious from the get go she and Travis have a bond.

I would argue the only one worth spending time on, so far, is Lottie. Yet again, they delayed that for season 2(+). Even the poor gal from the Leftovers who's been cast as a middle schooler for almost a decade, was left almost unexplored -- for reasons that are not clear. Misty, in all her glory, is relegated to a plot device when she clearly is more than that. What an opening to the crash, only to be a side kick in both timelines.

I don't think you would appreciate Shauna's arc more than either of those 3, but that's what the writers chose. Especially since Shaunas arc is seemingly not thematically important, rather a drawn out plot device that we see at the end of season one to which starts a plot to season 2. Her actions having no consequences is so patronizing and ridiculous I'm surprised you two aren't more upset

It's interesting vegard agrees with you when his spoiler complaint is seemingly what I argue, but he somehow enjoys the character building. Strange to see "complex" yet "genre trope" used in conjunction, seemingly mutual exclusive to me. Different strokes, different folks I guess

Idk why you bitch about arguing on a forum that's dead, why the fuck else do you come here? Haven't suggested music in like a decade you phony bastard :lol:
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Strange to see "complex" yet "genre trope" used in conjunction, seemingly mutual exclusive to me.

How elitist of you.

I don't know why you bitch about a show withholding information for future seasons when it's been known virtually since the premiere that the writers pitched a five-season arc.

Shots fired.

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Just saw that Amazon is developing a series sequel to Blade Runner 2049, set 50 years later. The woman behind that new show Shining Girls is writing it.
really wondering what's the appeal to any blade runners past the original. I'll have to rewatch 2049 one of these days

I don't know why you bitch about a show withholding information for future seasons when it's been known virtually since the premiere that the writers pitched a five-season arc.

Guess I'll be a full on gen Zer and google everything about a show before watching it
disappointed that GLOW never got the fourth season

also what's up with shows now only having 8 or 10 episodes a season??
i remember the shows that had 22-26 episodes a season, what the hell happened to that??
So what? I'd rather quality over quantity, especially regarding television.
i get this sentence as a concept
but with the seasons that are 8-10 episodes
the character-development seems rushed and forced
and trying to do a seasonal-arc seems rushed in the same-way

to me, the season-arcs of Buffy and Supernatural were better than Game of Thrones, for example
the first 6 seasons of Game of Thrones each had 10 episodes
if seasons 7 and 8 each had 10 episodes the end of the series would have felt more natural for most of the audience
but honestly, i personally would have loved to see a Game-of-thrones type fantasy series with 22-26 episodes per season

if i had been show-runner
i would have just had Bran die when he fell
instead of even trying to do anything close to "King Bran The Broken"