The Official Good Television Thread

Yeah, I'm almost done with it--one episode left. Pales in comparison, and not a spectacular show to begin with. I enjoy the premise and the visuals, but the narrative feels sloppy.
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I finished season 2 of Gangs of London yesterday, so fucking good. Can't remember the last time a show rolled with constant twists and narrative shifts while simultaneously bringing movie-tier action and violence.


Also the Georgian mafia boss Koba is one of the most cold-blooded antagonists ever.

Anyways now I can finally start Andor.
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Finished 1899. It's far inferior to Dark, and very mediocre overall. I'll probably give S2 a try and see if they recover; the show tries to pull a major twist at the end of S1, but it feels contrived and derivative in light of some recent cinema (which I won't name so as not to spoil for potential viewers). I must admit a very base curiosity as to the storyline behind the reveal, which is the reason for my continued interest--provided Netflix doesn't cancel the show, a likely possibility given what I have to assume are high production costs.
Three episodes into 1899 and it's... pretty rough. This is some of the most aggressively mystery box-oriented writing I've seen in television, and it is hard to feel invested when every character is treated like a puzzle to be solved. What actual character writing we've gotten has been pretty bad, with cartoonish declarations of evil intent, conversations where the parties do not share a mutual language and really just take turns monologuing at the audience, and scenes where the dialogue seems clumsily engineered to impart specific clues to the viewer ("I killed a man! And now I'm wearing his clothes!") I'll keep watching because it's only 8 episodes and at least the setting/aesthetic is interesting, hopefully it goes somewhere.
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3 episodes into Andor and I can see why you like it so much Ein. It's got a whole Blade Runner vibe to it, tech-noir meets simmering political discontent. Easily the best SW-related thing since The Mandalorian season 1.
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Anyone watching The Peripheral? I was very excited by a Gibson adaptation and it started out suitably batshit, but has fallen into a groove where it unfolds fairly predictably. Despite the fertile turf, the deep sci-fi themes are only given superficial treatment.
3 episodes into Andor and I can see why you like it so much Ein. It's got a whole Blade Runner vibe to it, tech-noir meets simmering political discontent. Easily the best SW-related thing since The Mandalorian season 1.

I think it's the most intense/violent franchise entry I've ever seen. And it ratchets up the tension and pace about halfway through the season.

Anyone watching The Peripheral? I was very excited by a Gibson adaptation and it started out suitably batshit, but has fallen into a groove where it unfolds fairly predictably. Despite the fertile turf, the deep sci-fi themes are only given superficial treatment.

Nah, I'm still deluding myself into thinking I'll read the book first. Maybe at some point I'll check out the show.
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I think it's the most intense/violent franchise entry I've ever seen. And it ratchets up the tension and pace about halfway through the season.
Definitely the most violent. The tone is so much heavier than anything else in the franchise. I'm at episode 6 now, is it just me or is it also the best paced show in awhile? It feels like it's blowing by and never dull.
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Definitely the most violent. The tone is so much heavier than anything else in the franchise. I'm at episode 6 now, is it just me or is it also the best paced show in awhile? It feels like it's blowing by and never dull.

Yeah I think the pacing is pretty solid. There were a couple episodes that may have dragged a bit, but I also think that might have been because I was amped and just wanted to see how things were gonna turn out. There are very few, if any, moments wasted in the plot.
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The first season of Andor feels like a series of 4 movies chopped into 12 episodes of television, even to the point of basically having 4 different climaxes that all could've been season finales in any other show. Pretty rare to see that kind of pacing in television.
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It was like watching a let's play of an open-world video game. Just a silent protagonist going around doing meaningless side-quests to upgrade his armor. No idea what people see in it.
It's important to upgrade your armour mate.

@Slammed I forgot to tell ya I watched Mystery Road: Origin, I thought it was incredibly well done. The actors they got to play young Jay and Mary were bang on the money. Maybe they were a little too attractive lmfao I love Aaron Pedersen but this new young bloke is like a male model! :lol:

Nah but it blew my expectations out of the water. I actually want to see the cast return for another season if possible. Too good to be just a one season prequel.
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Yeah the young bloke did really well and I think they could easily use him for at least one more series that covers his life in the city. They girl did well too and I'd much rather her than Tasma Walton who played future her.

I hope they make another series too and the chances must have increased somewhat recently because at the ACCTA (I think it was) awards night the other night Mystery Road picked up seven awards. Awards don't mean that much to viewers but for those with money looking for TV shows to pay for they certainly offer hope for something new.
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