The Official Good Television Thread

Did anyone ever watch Drawn Together? It only lasted three seasons and then got a straight-to-video movie but it's probably one of my favourite adult animated comedies. I actually preferred it to South Park at times.

drawn together was the most awesome cartoon ever
Did anyone else see the new Doctor Who yet? I thought the episode was fantastic, and the new girl is cute as fuck and also a great actress.
I try to only watch good television.

Breaking Bad half-way finale tonight was fucking awesome. I'm savouring every moment of it.

they totally botched the hell out of the last episode of Smallville, but that doesn't mean the whole show was crap
6th season was awesome

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Just finished the fifth season of The Sopranos (first time watching the entire series). Absolute brilliance so far.
Started watching The Wire about a decade too late. Plowing through the first season and so far all the hype has been very well-placed. Although for some odd reason, I'm actually having more trouble following the police conversations as opposed to the street conversations. I'm normally not a fan of detective/police oriented shows and they just pile on the jargon.