Pretty funny show man
I decided to watch the first episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic to see what all this brony fuss was about. I'm now halfway through the first season and plan on watching more.
I watched the first episode of Longmire yesterday. Is it normal in those places that people vote for their sheriff? wtf.
EDIT: I mean scheriff is not like a mayor is he.
Anyone watch Curb Your Enthusiasm? That's a funny show
Yeah my mate put me onto it. Have you seen much? I needed a new comedy, everything else seems to be on hiatus. I can't believe it's three seasons in, why haven't I heard about this sooner? That's what this thread is for dammit. I'm all about to lose my 'finger on the pulse' rep.
and curb is probably my favorite comedy out, but not sure if he's doing another season?
Season 2 of The Walking Dead is up on Netflix. I watched the entire thing and thought it was excellent. It's to bad season 3 will probably not be up for months. Atleast the first three seasons of Sons of Anarchy was all up at once. I really want to watch The Sopranos from the beginning, but it is not up on Netflix.
anyone watching Major Crimes Tosh.0 or Southpark???
Well, season 3 of The Walking Dead is going to premiere in less than a couple weeks. Why can't you just watch it then?