The Official Movie Thread

I use to watch Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Charmed all the time. I was always high though that's why.
I rented Eastern Promises and American Gangster today, but I haven't watched them yet.
Japanese ofcourse. Who the fuck watches anime dubbed? It sucks.

Haha. I don't know, watching it in english does have a certain something. I agree with you, for the most part, though.

Japanese it is.

EDIT: I was trying to fuck with my dvd player so I could listen to it without any voice track before (so I can concentrate on the music more). Didn't work. Anyone know how one would go about doing that?
Watching anime in Japanese is half the pleasure,it´s such a rich language.
On that note,does anyone know where i can get my hands on the undubbed version of Ninja Scroll? It seems impossible to find it,i found one once but then the subs were in German.
^ Yeah,i can understand when they dub kid movies because they cant read,but otherwise, what´s the point of removing something that´s originally a part of the film.
Watching anime in Japanese is half the pleasure,it´s such a rich language.
On that note,does anyone know where i can get my hands on the undubbed version of Ninja Scroll? It seems impossible to find it,i found one once but then the subs were in German.

I can't help you with that but THAT MOVIE WAS AWESOME.
willow is hella hot. though i prefer her as the band geek in american pie.

buffy is for teh gays, and chics.
hell yeah...actually, buffy is hot too. But willow is hotterer.
Watching anime in Japanese is half the pleasure,it´s such a rich language.
On that note,does anyone know where i can get my hands on the undubbed version of Ninja Scroll? It seems impossible to find it,i found one once but then the subs were in German.
I saw thirty seconds of that show, and I just want you to know that you should be embarrassed.

I always watch anime dubbed. Japanese annoys me. It's a shitty version of Chinese. :p
Just saw tetsuo: the iron man for the first time. HOLY SHIT! this film was disturbing and crazy as hell.
If anyone is a fan of martial arts films, definitely see Xin long men ke zhan (Dragon Inn, 1992). I can't emphasize enough how crazy awesome these fights are, and I've seen lots of good well choreographed fights.
I saw thirty seconds of that show, and I just want you to know that you should be embarrassed.

SHOW? No no no no,forget about the show,it sucks ass. I was talking about the movie,which came before the show. It´s nothing like the show. If you haven´t seen the movie you have missed out on one of the greatest anime movies.