The Official Movie Thread

if Daniel Day Lewis ad libbed parts of the end, he's even more of a genius haha.

yeah the soundtrack is freaking amazing. it was apparently done by the guitarist of Radiohead (!).

I heard Syriana was good, though.

The plot might have been brilliant, but the man has no concept of film-making.
For one thing, out of focus camera, wildly swinging shots, etc. Felt like an amateur movie. And this didn't help the fact that half the people just looked like a generic pudgy guy in a suit. Characters mumble half their lines, speak quickly, etc, which exacerbates the fact that information is given out only once, and then becomes a crucial plot device. Basically, if you breath you miss half the plot.
Next comes the way information is stingily doled out, just enough so that you have a vague idea of who some of the people are, but you don't really know what is going on or why.
Then there are the speeches. Monologues about corruption, capitalism, and international relations. Not fun.
Overall, watching it feels like watching one of those gritty terrorist execution tapes, then being knocked down and kicked by a group of hairy men who force you to recall minute details from the tape.
The plot might have been brilliant, but the man has no concept of film-making.
For one thing, out of focus camera, wildly swinging shots, etc. Felt like an amateur movie. And this didn't help the fact that half the people just looked like a generic pudgy guy in a suit. Characters mumble half their lines, speak quickly, etc, which exacerbates the fact that information is given out only once, and then becomes a crucial plot device. Basically, if you breath you miss half the plot.
Next comes the way information is stingily doled out, just enough so that you have a vague idea of who some of the people are, but you don't really know what is going on or why.
Then there are the speeches. Monologues about corruption, capitalism, and international relations. Not fun.
Overall, watching it feels like watching one of those gritty terrorist execution tapes, then being knocked down and kicked by a group of hairy men who force you to recall minute details from the tape.

It was actually very good.

I heard Syriana was good, though.


The location for the opening scene was also used in Return of the King. Hard to believe Peter Jackson directed both those movies.

Yeah, Jackson is a god
Just saw The Piano for my contemporary film theory class, it was decent, if a bit heavy handed in some instances.