The Official Movie Thread

Saw Riddick last night. It wasn't too bad, but there were a bit too many corny one-liners. The dialogue could have been better.
Watched The Intouchables the other night, and Lore before that. Intouchables was as great as I had heard but was slow to put it on. Lore was an interesting german nazi film, because that is all German filmmakers do apparently.
Watched The Intouchables

laughing at myself

the word "intouchables" is actually a movie title

i thought you were just misspelling "untouchables"

Here's all of my recent movie reviews from somewhere else:

Alien (1979) 18/20
This film gains points for originality, considering the time. Some of the effects are dated but im a little sick of CGI. Much better than a lot of derivatives which followed.

Riddick (2013) 6/10
This film doesn't hold up very well on its own really. The beginning is boring and not that well explained. The characters aren't that interesting, other than Riddick but riddock's wildman nature means he can't be the only developed character. [Derivative of the above in some ways.]

Come and See (1985) 8/10
A brilliant war film. Better than stuff like Platoon and Apocalypse now. It's live action but something about it reminds me of When the Wind Blows. It's not exactly even in its portrayal of the different sides, in (what was then called) Belorussia, but you wouldn't expect a Soviet era film to be. Pretty good acting from the young actors although the main character doesn't have too many different facial expressions, if he was a bit better and if they cut some of the hitler scenes to half the length then it would get 9-9.3. It shows the cruelties of the second world war, as well as the simplicity of village life in that part of Europe very well.

Serenity 7/10
Good film. Great plot and good space battle scenes. The male actors and characters all seemed a bit average though.

Silent Running (1972) 4/10
There are some good visuals, but this is rather dated and generally boring.

Battle Beyond The Stars 11/20
This isn't the crap movie it's supposed to be. It's at least as entertaining as the lesser Star Trek movies and is somewhat similar in quality to early The Next Generation Star Trek and somewhat better, if anything. It's derivative of Star Wars but not exclusively so. Very entertaining, even though the plot has holes and the effects are just a bit worse than the ones in the old star wars films (although perhaps similar to the original, none edited versions of those films). The effects are pretty rubbish compared to Blade Runner, which came out a couple of years later with a budget that was higher by tens of millions. I actually think this is pretty damn good for a small budget sci fi of the time. It's about 1.9 points better than The Last Starfighter, for example.

THX.1138 17/20
It's a good film, but it suffers from a kind of lonely feeling and it does seem to kind of drag on in parts. Interesting plot, if fairly standard as far as dystopian / Orwellian ideas go.

Gattaca 18/20
Far more character development than THX.1138, that's for sure. Also, the plot was probably more unique, as far as stories go anyway. I quite liked the style of the film, although I don't think it was very original. It was one of those worlds that have anything that might designate either a future or fairly recent series of fashions removed and replaced with classic styles and a kind of elegant futurism. I can see that that way of making a futuristic film might help prevent the film dating too much over the decades. Still, it reminds me of Thunderpants, which isn't good. I don't know what else they could do though.

Dark City 18/20
Another really good film. I would rate this higher than Gattaca, but there were a couple of points were it lost its excitement and the plot was so much more "out there" that it made it less interesting to watch.

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (the version with Daniel Craig) 17/20
A really good film. I found this a touch more involving that the other films I've watched recently. The character development and acting are all really good. Great story too.

Crazy, Stupid, Love. 9/20
Really, really boring, especially after the three quarter mark. Steve Carell's character is annoying in the way that a lot of un-masculine American characters are. This is supposed to be a romantic comedy but there are almost no laugh out loud moments. It got great reviews but it's pretty bloody crap. If you divided it into four parts, the second part would be worthy of being deemed "good" but not the rest.

Be Cool 3/10
One of the most boring films of all time.

Little Nicky 1/10
Literally worse than watching paint dry. Unfunny, retarded, appeals to idiots.

Midnight Express 6/10
It is a good film but it gets pretty repetitive and miserable. In real life his escape was more interesting, he swam to a boat, after being transferred to an island prison, rowed back to the mainland and then travelled through Turkey and swam across to get to Greece. They should have cut say 30 minutes of prison scenes and showed an edited version of that escape. That would have made a more watch-able film, for me anyway.

Can't Buy Me Love (1987) 5/10
This is what an average film is like. It's pretty much the standard definition of one. Watch-able, just. If I didn't like the 80s, it might lose half a point.

Cruel Intentions 4/10 (I didn't watch this tonight, I'm not that unproductive/ stupid)
Pretty dumb. I'd say Can't Buy me Love is more than 1 point better, but it's also very dated, so it's hard. Bad acting, dumb plot, characters you'd couldn't care about, not much else. Sarah Michelle Gellar back in the day might make it worth seeing for some fanboys.

Day of the Woman/I Spit on Your Grave (1978): 5/10
Average exploitation revenge film. Average acting and so on. Decent action. Pretty badly put together. Not as bad as the reviews state but was probably shocking for the time.

Rocky II 16/20
Pure, gorgeous cheese. The loveable great white hope teaches the arrogant champion a lesson for the second time. Not as good as the first, more contrived and uninteresting. This doesn't really add much to the first film. Also, the final fight scene is totally unbelievable. The final fight in the first film shows something that actually has happened a few times in the past, a rough small time boxer getting a fight with a champ and lasting a few rounds and losing on points.
i actually liked little nicky


i like cruel intentions

they're obviously different genres but they're both well-made movies, i thought
displaying a score out of ten with a slash doesn't mean I'm presenting an actual fraction.

Also, bar my liking for some B movie 80s sci-fi, my film tastes are relatively high brow. For example, I literally hated National Treasure 2 and would rank it with all time worst movies, including Troll 2. A film can't just be average and hollywood for me to like it (at all). Maybe you guys aren't as discriminating with movies as you are with metal.
displaying a score out of ten with a slash doesn't mean I'm presenting an actual fraction.

Also, bar my liking for some B movie 80s sci-fi, my film tastes are relatively high brow. For example, I literally hated National Treasure 2 and would rank it with all time worst movies, including Troll 2. A film can't just be average and hollywood for me to like it (at all). Maybe you guys aren't as discriminating with movies as you are with metal.

But at least I've got a woman. ;)