The Official Movie Thread

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 7/10

A good movie although it's quite a lot like a episode of the series, once it gets going, bar the better than usual sets and effects.

Body Heat (1981) 17/20

A really, really great movie. Superb plot, great acting, everything, well, not all the acting is stellar, but it's broadly good enough. It's old but that doesn't do it any real damage. If you like this type of thing then I strongly recommend seeing it sometime.
Body Heat (1981) 17/20

A really, really great movie. Superb plot, great acting, everything, well, not all the acting is stellar, but it's broadly good enough. It's old but that doesn't do it any real damage. If you like this type of thing then I strongly recommend seeing it sometime.
Mmmm, Kathleen Turner in her prime. Very nice. Speaking of erotic thrillers I watched the unrated version of Jade (1995) the other night and am now I defendant of that film. Obviously its not Friedkin's best but its a solid sleazy murder mystery that deserves a reassessment.
Went into this thread to get a recommended movie to watch on Netflix, and it seems as though everyone posted about movies they didn't particularly care for instead. :lol:

Any good horror/psychological movies on Netflix worth checking out?

Edit: I recently watched V/H/S on netflix and it was pretty damn awesome. None of the stories seemed to be connected, however, they were freaky enough to be entertaining on its own.
^Thanks a lot I'll probably watch Session 9 tonight, looks pretty good.

I love Jennifer Connelly, but the trailer to Dark Water seemed too familiar. Idk. I'll have to check it out.

The other two I've seen and were both awesome. Can never go wrong with Leonardo DiCaprio.
Everyone who considers them self a Kubrick fan has got to watch Room 237, a great critical film review of The Shining, some of the shit(if true) is mindblowing, to me at least.
Red Dawn (1984) 6/10

Watchable enough, but not exactly good. Not as stupid as I was expecting it to be, but pretty stupid all the same. Very much a product of its time and rather right wing.

The Gatekeepers (2012) 7/10

I found this interesting and it's a well done documentary, but I'm only giving it this rating because I think someone who had no interest in the subject matter would switch over to Geordie Shore or X factor. It's good watching for most people on here though, I would have thought. The heads of Shin Bet are actually fairly critical of aspects of Zionism themselves.
Probably because its a weird way of notating it. A score out of 100 or something would make more sense.
Everyone who considers them self a Kubrick fan has got to watch Room 237, a great critical film review of The Shining, some of the shit(if true) is mindblowing, to me at least.

That documentary is a testament to the fact that a director's intentions truly mean nothing when analyzing the imagery of a film.
That documentary is a testament to the fact that a director's intentions truly mean nothing when analyzing the imagery of a film.

Some people in that film feel that way, and I don't agree with that stand point at all. I'd say 60% is like incredible shit and the rest is a huge stretch by people trying to get popular.