The Official Movie Thread

yeah seriously. after watching it my girlfriend said, "I want to be an astronaut now." I looked at her and said, "fuck that shit." What an amazing film
Just watched Upstream Color and it was :yow: Havent had to think that hard since Lynch's Mulholland Drive.

Now I'm in the mood to go back and watch Tree of Life and Melancholia.
Neil deGrasse Tyson watching "Gravity"

Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson - The film #Gravity should be renamed "Zero Gravity"

Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson - Mysteries of #Gravity: How Hubble (350mi up) ISS (230mi up) & a Chinese Space Station are all in sight lines of one another.

Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson - Mysteries of #Gravity: When Clooney releases Bullock's tether, he drifts away. In zero-G a single tug brings them together.

Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson - Mysteries of #Gravity: Why Bullock's hair, in otherwise convincing zero-G scenes, did not float freely on her head.

Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson - Mysteries of #Gravity: Astronaut Clooney informs medical doctor Bullock what happens medically during oxygen depravation.

Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson - Mysteries of #Gravity: Nearly all satellites orbit Earth west to east yet all satellite debris portrayed orbited east to west

Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson - Mysteries of #Gravity: Satellite communications were disrupted at 230 mi up, but communications satellites orbit 100x higher.
The Sentinel (1977)


A reasonable film, albeit ridiculously derivative of Rosemary's Baby. Decent acting from the leads and Cristina Raines is very attractive in this.

The Night Porter 91/100

Not for everyone, this film would have benefited from losing about 10 - 15 minutes from the second half. Broadly speaking, a very well done take on an exploration of a certain kind of relationship. The two leads play their roles extremely well, I think, very, very good acting on their parts. Some of the minor roles are poorly acted.

I try and make my scores more real, if you know what I mean, so 5/10 is a film of average quality, not total garbage.
The Night Porter 8/10

Not for everyone, this film would have benefited from losing about 10 - 15 minutes from the second half. Broadly speaking, a very well done take on an exploration of a certain kind of relationship. The two leads play their roles extremely well, I think, very, very good acting on their parts. Some of the minor roles are poorly acted.

One of my favorite films. As twisted as the subject matter may be to some its actually an incredibly sweet yet ultimately very sad love story (that ending, damn). Bogarde and Rampling are brilliant, you no doubt noticed that during the majority of their scenes together there's hardly any dialogue. There didn't need to be, their body language and facial expressions said it all. I'm sure the fact that it was directed by a woman took more than a few by surpise.
Yeah. To me it was more like a good nine, I just felt like I had to moderate my score down after reading someone else review in which they described the second half as boring. I don't know. While I was watching it, it felt like one of the best films I've seen. Fuck it, 91/100
Been on my October horror binge, some fun ones:

The Ice Cream Man - a bizarre story about an ex mental ward patient released into the public that finds a job as an ice cream man. Pretty fun and weird and there's something just nasty about cockroaches and blood and body parts polluting the ice cream truck.

Jack Frost 2 - oh wow. Didn't know this existed. It's hilariously bad and I caught myself laughing several times. "I guess it was decapitated coffee"

Black Christmas - this was the remake and actually not a bad one. Really gorey and you don't have to think too hard about it.
I haven't seen the original, but knew it was a remake. It wasn't awful but I assume some of the scenes are that crap every remakes feels the need to jam into the old storyline. Those first two movies came in a ten for five bucks pack at Kmart. Haven't got to watch the rest yet.
I was just thinking about how massively overrated star wars films are. Nobody other than children would rate the newer ones at all if they weren't called star wars.

The gungans are basically blackface clowns, the trade federation are chinese people and the UN / world court etc. The rebels in the old series were the US in the war for independence. Then add in The Hidden Fortress as an inspiration, maybe Seven Samurai, a bit, too. The dialogue was never actually good, you just went along with it and all of the action and special effects kind of distract you from it. Seriously, films like Dark City and Gattaca seem to me to be genuinely better than at least the newer star wars films. Something about the old one's was good, probably because the influences, like WW2 dogfighting films and Japanese classics and then The Hero with a Thousand Faces, were so good as to rub off their quality.
Well I pretty much did and loved it for a long time. The old ones are still good, solid 7/10 sci fi films. They're just not the best thing ever.
Well, I don't agree with you on much; but I'll agree with you on that.

I'm watching Birth of a Nation for my seminar on The South and Modernism. Second time I've had to watch this damn movie in my life; fucking hell...