The Official Movie Thread

Do forgive the spam but I know there's a few Takashi Miike fans on here and I posted my thoughts on Imprint (2006) yesterday morning. Normally I try to avoid writing about films that have been discussed to death which this one certainty has, even before anyone in the States got a chance to see it but I always feel this film, well a lot of Miike's work, but this one especially is done a disservice whenever its mentioned alongside shallow, overhyped pieces of shit like A Serbian Film (2010) and those August Underground (2000-2007) borefests on those MOST TOALLY EXTREME HORROR FILMS BRO!!!! lists so I tried approaching it from a different angle. Not sure if I succeeded but its up for public scrutiny if anyone's interested.
Been binge watching horror movies...

The Drownsman - basically a Nightmare on Elmstreet rip off with an evil guy that drowns people. This was pretty entertaining actually. Would much rather see a rip off of an 80s movie than most of the stuff being released today or another remake. The guy is more like the original Freddy btw, no humor to him and I thought it was cool once he was unleashed unto the world he could appear in any water (even a fucking spilled bottle of water on a computer stand) and drag you into his realm. there will be sequels to this.

Exists - boy this one was overhyped for me. Basically a Blair witch Bigfoot hybrid. The Jack Links Bigfoot looked like shit and the ending was so bad I'm going to spoil it. This Bigfoot just killed all my friends and my uncle. I have a fucking shotgun in my hand but I'm going to set it down and let this thing kill me. But instead it randomly walks away instead of killing him like everyone else.

Zombeavers - this sounds stupid and is in the best way possible. Basically a guy in a truck carrying poorly strapped down chemicals is texting and driving. Chemicals dump into the lake and infect the Beavers right as friends are, YOU GUESSED IT, going to a cabin in the woods for the weekend. The Beavers aren't cgi, they're puppets which gives this an old school feel and there's some really cool scenes like a zombie beaver woman biting a guys dick off and the bizarre convos between the truck driver and his friend. Did I mention Courtney Palm is fucking hot and naked twice in this movie? "I strangled my penis. What kind of workers comp do you get for that? You don't man, you just get fired" I watched this movie twice in two days, I was so entertained.
Day off work, watching this ugly bastard for the first time in fucking ages.

Day off work, watching this ugly bastard for the first time in fucking ages.

I always get a kick out of reading negative reviews for Driller Killer by people expecting an all out gorefest. Rough around the edges for sure but its way more cerebral than most snobs want to give it credit for. Quite refreshing for a film of its type. Of course this is Ferrara we're talking about. One hell of a debut.
Joe Dirt was good, but it does not mean a sequel is going to be any good.
I think when a sequel is made years later it's easier to be more optimistic than right away. But it is on a free service and he goes back in time, so could be weird. It is a production of Happy Madison

I always get a kick out of reading negative reviews for Driller Killer by people expecting an all out gorefest. Rough around the edges for sure but its way more cerebral than most snobs want to give it credit for. Quite refreshing for a film of its type. Of course this is Ferrara we're talking about. One hell of a debut.

Ha! In general you'd have to be a bit of a retard to expect a gorefest out of a 70's film, even if it's '79.
Just finished watching Nightcrawler. Brutal. It was hard to watch Jake Gyllenhaal. He's quickly becoming one of my favorite actors. Living in LA, it's interesting to see the film as a commentary on the public's fascination with the spectacle of violence, and the subtext of the news creating "stories" purely to gather more viewers. It's also interesting that the film takes place in Los Angeles, the capital of the spectacle. Pretty awesome stuff. Glad I watched it
Mad Max was insane

so good. can't remember the last time a movie so categorically lived up to its hype.

just watched EX MACHINA, it's nothing revolutionary but a solid entry into the 'feminist sci-fi' canon after UNDER THE SKIN (fans of HER would probably like it too but idk since i'm not really one of them). two less known, excellent films it reminded me of are SPLICE and THE SKIN I LIVE IN, folks who enjoyed EX MACHINA already should watch those.

i don't think NIGHTCRAWLER's as smart as it thinks it is, the obvious satire falls pretty flat for me, but as an intense, atmospheric thriller it works absolutely brilliantly. great aesthetic, nailbiting set piece construction, and jake is genuinely unnerving.
I think part of it has to do with living in Los Angeles. Like the part where Rene Russo's character blows up because all she has is a stabbing er whatever in Corona. If you don't live in LA, you wouldn't think anything of it. But to someone living in LA, you know Corona is a shithole. So if you hear "Someone got stabbed in Corona" your immediate reaction might be "Well that doesn't surprise me. I'd stab someone if I was in Corona." I've seen some people compare Nightcrawler with Drive in that the car plays such an integral role in the film, as it does in Los Angeles.

I think your description of Gyllenhaal as "unnerving" is spot on. It was just painful to watch him at times.
so good. can't remember the last time a movie so categorically lived up to its hype.

just watched EX MACHINA, it's nothing revolutionary but a solid entry into the 'feminist sci-fi' canon after UNDER THE SKIN (fans of HER would probably like it too but idk since i'm not really one of them). two less known, excellent films it reminded me of are SPLICE and THE SKIN I LIVE IN, folks who enjoyed EX MACHINA already should watch those.

Did you write down some thoughts on Mad Max? It has to be one of the worst action flicks i've seen in quite some time. Tried having an intelligent debate with some but it failed.

Don't get how you can hate on Ex Machina though..only flaw was the nerdy main character to me but he serves his role..thought it was fantastic.
MAD MAX was just a wild, visceral experience. no shitty backstory or audience handholding, lovingly detailed visually, crazy set piece choreography (well, the whole film is basically one set piece), pleasant subversion of gender roles n shit. and it's funny and weird and almost totally removed from blockbuster conventions. music could've been better and some of the designs stray into terry gilliam territory on occasion but on the whole i loved it, never seen anything like it. can't remember the last time an action movie had such personality.

i liked EX MACHINA plenty, main character is perfect as a bland everyman who ends up being shat on by the movie for his white knight misogyny. also i love oscar isaac. i guess that aside from the dance scene and that brilliant scene where she's dressing herself in skin with him watching, it didn't really stand out that much to me, and i found the literary reference points a little on the nose at times. still one of the best sci-fis of recent years though. i like it a lot more than HER for example.