the official "What did you eat today?" thread

EGOR said:
Urine, yeah i know what you are all thinking we go another crank... but many people like myself drink their own urine first thing in a morning because its full of calcium as its had the whole night going around the bodys system... its really good for you. try it, So yes i recommend half a glass every morning and then a quick jog around the block too. I shouldnt really say this but I am also partial to a piece of poo every now and again but thats not really normal.


Left over pasta from last night.


I think I might need to snack later tonight to prevent malnutrition or something.
JUST made breakfast.


underneath of a


underneath of a heaping pile of

WELSH RABBIT (it's a cheese sauce not a rabbit)

and it's so goshdarn tasty YOU'D CRY IF YOU ONLY KNEW
Thus let it be founded: The Nevermore message board Official appreciation society for the continued cooking and devouring of buffalo burgers by said official appreciation society, OR TNMBOASFTCCADOBBBSOAS, for short.
So after I had the buffalo burger I was raving about it so much, I was telling everybody. So when I told my parents about it they told me about the time last year they had a BUFFALO STEAK. They said it was likely to be insanely expensive but insanely darn tasty. I don't even know where it's possible to purchase a buffalo steak! They had it at some friends' of theirs house, I believe it was imported from Nevada cause a relative was allowed the pleasure of killing a buffalo or something of the sort.
hmm ... i had all this random seafood and other foods at the seafood buffet when we had dinner there after horrorfind and going to the aquarium.

and, yes, the seafood came from the aquiarium. mmmm, trained dolphin.