The politics thread

Btw, it was also so "cute" that Israeli soldiers has been delayed a turkish boat which was carrying australian civilians to cyprus.

Honestly, i believe that Hamas is a problem but it's also interesting that Arabian world was about to recognize Israel just before the war. I think some people from israel or from palestina who don't want peace in middle east is using these 2 israeli soldiers situations.

There are some samples in history. It's like once Turkish government has been bombed the Ataturk's home in selonica and just after it, hundreds of shops in istanbul has been attacked but stupid turkish nationalists'. (6-7 september)

Also during 2nd world war, a 17-year-old polish jew, Herschel Grynszpan has killed german official Gustav Von Rath in paris and just after it, stupid nationalist germans has attacted jews much more.
Also what does Israel do is unacceptable actually. Hamas can be mentioned as a terrorist organization, but it doesn't give the right to israel act like a terrorists by using high-technology weapons againsts civilians.

Especially bombing Beirut, which was once the center of fashion and which was well known city in world makes the fear that we are also not safe in Istanbul.

I believe that nothing is important that a person's life, especially if this person is a child.
HeathenPride said:
Also what does Israel do is unacceptable actually. Hamas can be mentioned as a terrorist organization, but it doesn't give the right to israel act like a terrorists by using high-technology weapons againsts civilians.

Especially bombing Beirut, which was once the center of fashion and which was well known city in world makes the fear that we are also not safe in Istanbul.

I believe that nothing is important that a person's life, especially if this person is a child.

you are almost right....
there are a lot of facts from the history we can use.....but you will never know what could happen otherwise.....

i don't think that child's life is more important.....
don't forget that an adult can be some child's father.....and what is for a child to live when his father was killed by the "enemies".

the situation in Lebanon is much more complicated than you think....
believe me, none of the pilots who shoot bombs in Beirut really love to kill....
not as Hizbolla fighter who doesn't think for a second who will be his victim.

and i must say......even the arab world react differently in this seems no one likes the hizbollah so much....
every day the israeli media talk with lebanese citizens.....and sometimes with ministers also.....

and you must see this polls in the arab Aljazeera, it is quite surprising:
HeathenPride said:
Btw, it was also so "cute" that Israeli soldiers has been delayed a turkish boat which was carrying australian civilians to cyprus.

Honestly, i believe that Hamas is a problem but it's also interesting that Arabian world was about to recognize Israel just before the war. I think some people from israel or from palestina who don't want peace in middle east is using these 2 israeli soldiers situations.

There are some samples in history. It's like once Turkish government has been bombed the Ataturk's home in selonica and just after it, hundreds of shops in istanbul has been attacked but stupid turkish nationalists'. (6-7 september)

Also during 2nd world war, a 17-year-old polish jew, Herschel Grynszpan has killed german official Gustav Von Rath in paris and just after it, stupid nationalist germans has attacted jews much more.

first of all the "the final solution" (i.e killing every jew in europe) was planned long before the murder of von rath and there are documents to prove it
second of Von Rath was murdered so that Germany would be scared to invade poland which she eventually did...get your facts checked

as for the use of brute force against palestinian civillians in gaza...normal civillans hide or run away somewhere...those innocent civillians got quite a number of our soldiers wounded by throwing rocks at them...when civillians cooperate with a terrorsistic organization they're as good as terrorist...
plus the whole fake dead children for the media trick they pull every time...get some kids smear them in blood tell them to lie still on the street and get the camera crew to get the world to cry about the innocent children

and no one in the international media seems to talk about the fact that after we moved our citizens out of the gaza strip ripping thousends of people out of their homes as goodwill gesture towards palestinians what do we get in return them vandalising the synagogue left there and shooting kasam rockets at our civillians in sderot some landed kindergardens killing kids some landed in people's homes. all we did in gaza was send airstrikes at cars with wanted Hamas members who were responsible for terroristic acts that claimed the lives of our civillians.after killing Rantisi (who was Hamas spiritual leader and was reponsible for hundreds of our dead civillians) in his car in gaza some palestinians including children have come to bathe in the blood of their martyr.

while the palestinians were busy with their shitty propoganda to get the world on their one really noticed what was really happening here.

now to nassrallah...he claims openly he has the right to abduct israeli soldiers on israeli soil and demand a 1000 of their people to be released from our prisons.people which have blood on their hands...and the arab people still blame israel for the war in lebanon

why the fuck is everyone expecting Israel to remain calm and quiet in the face of hostility from not even enemy countries but terrorist organizations...
i think the problem is that the media want to show what they want. You're right when you're saying that children are often exploited on media tricks

that's why, all people have to be careful about what they're listening and watching everyday on TV, don't trust everything on it!
the world media is biased our direction or in theirs but this is not about the's about people who know only how to play dirty... and the biggest asshole of them all is Mr. Secretary Koffee Annan...the bastard openly hates israel...yesterday after accidently our Air force took down a UN post by accident resulting in 3 or 4 unarmed UN watchers...he goes to the fucking media and says we planned this because we don't want the UN to watch what is going on in Lebanon...without investigation without anything...he knows what happened...well fuck him in his antisemite ass...

Israel has no interest in harming the UN, our public oppinion is in the gutter anyway pissing off the UN is not something we would want to do...I can just sence Nassrallah gloating...his next speech(if we don't kill him by then) he's gonna bring that up
Justin Sullivan of Bradford based band New Model Army wrote this song about the media presentation of conflicts and wars in 1999. Just replace Belfast, Waco and Kosovo with the cities and places of your choice.

(Sullivan) 1999

Well, you say it's such a small, small world
flying Club Class back from the far-east
curled up safe and warm in the big chair
you were drifting through the skies of anywhere
Get the courtesy car to the Sheraton
there's live on-the-spot reports on the CNN between the ad-breaks
so you think you know what's going on - but you don't
because you weren't in Belfast, no you weren't there
and no you weren't in Waco, no you weren't there
and you weren't in Kosovo, you weren't there
and you weren't in my head so you don't know how it felt
walking arm in arm with crowds to the square
and the banners waving and the sun glinting

All this information swims round and round
like a shoal of fish in a tank going nowhere
Up and down between the glass walls
You're so safe in the knowledge they're impenetrable
and you look out at the world and see nothing at all
so go back to sleep and you'll be woken when the time comes
and you'll never know just what hit you or where it came from
because you weren't in Bradford, no you weren't there
and you weren't on the hill, no you weren't there
and you weren't with us so you never saw
just what happened when the television crews came knocking on the door
how the people told them all to go to Hell,
smashed the cameras and sent them away
There were sirens going off and policemen coming in
and all that you love was being swept away
in the rush of a black tide all done in your name
and you'll never know just what happened there
or how it feels - just how it feels . . .
You are all right to think everthing on one side. Because you are living in a country where is actually inside of a war.

And if you wonder, here in Turkey, even the conservative government doesn't have any response against Israel. Also media is not totally against Israel eigher. Because they are lack of to give their own facts and they are just editing news of european and american news agencies. So how they show facts is almost same like in west.

and i know that "the final solution" was planned long before the murder of von rath, i think there is a misunderstanding, please read my sentence once more.


Personally, i am not against Israelians. For me, i even don't care if someone is from israel, palestine or greece...

Well, if any other country in anywhere would attept to target any UN point, that means that country is in trouble. Remember what happened to Serbia. But, Israel is "a bit" prilivaged country of middle east.

Israel can have problems with terrorism. But you should remember that you are not the only one such country in the world. In Turkey, we have lost more than 30,000 people because of PKK terrorism!

Well, actually you are inside of a war, and as i see, you cannot think what happens around clear. I also live in a country where people can turn into nationalists in a mediatic event.
paradoxile said:
first of all the "the final solution" (i.e killing every jew in europe) was planned long before the murder of von rath and there are documents to prove it
second of Von Rath was murdered so that Germany would be scared to invade poland which she eventually did...get your facts checked

as for the use of brute force against palestinian civillians in gaza...normal civillans hide or run away somewhere...those innocent civillians got quite a number of our soldiers wounded by throwing rocks at them...when civillians cooperate with a terrorsistic organization they're as good as terrorist...
plus the whole fake dead children for the media trick they pull every time...get some kids smear them in blood tell them to lie still on the street and get the camera crew to get the world to cry about the innocent children

and no one in the international media seems to talk about the fact that after we moved our citizens out of the gaza strip ripping thousends of people out of their homes as goodwill gesture towards palestinians what do we get in return them vandalising the synagogue left there and shooting kasam rockets at our civillians in sderot some landed kindergardens killing kids some landed in people's homes. all we did in gaza was send airstrikes at cars with wanted Hamas members who were responsible for terroristic acts that claimed the lives of our civillians.after killing Rantisi (who was Hamas spiritual leader and was reponsible for hundreds of our dead civillians) in his car in gaza some palestinians including children have come to bathe in the blood of their martyr.

while the palestinians were busy with their shitty propoganda to get the world on their one really noticed what was really happening here.

now to nassrallah...he claims openly he has the right to abduct israeli soldiers on israeli soil and demand a 1000 of their people to be released from our prisons.people which have blood on their hands...and the arab people still blame israel for the war in lebanon

why the fuck is everyone expecting Israel to remain calm and quiet in the face of hostility from not even enemy countries but terrorist organizations...

Are u saying soldiers are right in killin children throwing stones?

Israel should give up all the illegal setlments without any questions and tear down the wall of course. Only then can u have peace....
Korlich said:
Israel should give up all the illegal setlments without any questions and tear down the wall of course. Only then can u have peace....

I believe we had to give up the setlements long time ago....and i hate this wall....believe me......
but it is not that easy....

this wall is the only protection we've got now.....
it reduced the suicide attacks....

it is easy for europeans to see borders as walls....cause you don't have don't need them....but who decided where each border will be?
it was long time ago, when your borders have been there are no wars between countries in Europe today.

so now all eyes are upon us, the centre of the world....
Rashamon, just about some years ago, there was a war in Yugoslavia where in almost on the hearth of Europe. It's not a war but the basque region of Spain is also under trouble. Also until the very close past, there was conflicts in the UK's Ireland.

Also the both of the world wars started in Europe. Old people in the Europe still carries of the 2nd world war memories.
Korlich said:
Are u saying soldiers are right in killin children throwing stones?

Israel should give up all the illegal setlments without any questions and tear down the wall of course. Only then can u have peace....

Israel is using rubber bullets and teargas against hostile civillians...palestinian children don't get killed in those demonstrations(unless they are stampeded to death by their own angry mob.
children get killed when terrorists is shoot at our soldiers from a kindergarden or from some innocent family's house or the classic case where the helicopter or jet shoots a rocket a a terrorist car...and the terrorist is still alive so the pilot shoots another rocket to finish him and by that time some kids run to the place of explosion and get hit by the second rocket...I know it's hard to believe but arab children run to the place of explosion instead of away from it.

Hamas used to send children and early teenagers with explosive belts to explode at Israeli block if they're willing to secrifice their children like that why the hell do they cry when their children die (by accident) by israeli hands.

Palestinians work on Israeli Israeli soil, palestinians use Israeli phone company and phone lines, they get some food supplies from us daily,they get electricity and water from us...we should cut all our help and let them rot in their own shit untill their politicians would be smart enough to use the money to build independent sources of electricity,food etc etc and help their poor families instead of blowing the money on explosives and terroristic measures while their people are starving

I would gladly take down the wall...if they promise to stay on their side
and as we know their promises are worth shit and are good for about 2 months so the wall is keeping Israel a little bit safer so I guess the wall will go down as soon as there's absolutely no hostility on their side toward us and that I guess will take a pretty long time
They don't spend their money on the bombs and explosives, they spend it on themselves (the "politicians", not the people they want to "protect"). They get money from other countries for the explosives and to pay the families of the people so they can be bribed to wear the bomb.
I just have to say that everything is politics....
of course in every war there are people who get profits....

in this war, both lebanese and israelis get hurt! mostly innocent people, and children (in both sides).....
israeli soldiers can be innocent as well, dont is mendatory to serve our army (and it is IDF - defense, NOT attack army).....although Hizbollah is attacking gerilla group, and their fighters are volenteering, only to fight Israel!
they know that if they will shoot Israel from civilians houses, Israel will shoot these houses! and if we will kill a lebanese child, it will help their propeganda against Israel.

of course Iran and Syria as a lot to do with it.....
by that, Iran get a little bit of quiet, while the world's eyes are upon Israel and Lebanon. mwanwhile they can complete their missions with the atomic bombs.
and Syria now acting as a body we can use to solve the that they erasing all the near past, killing Harriri, and everything....
now the Lebanese start to understand, maybe it was better for them when Syria ruled them....

i really believe that Iran is pulling the strings, and use Syria to do so.

* really important to ad - when i say "Syria" or "Iran".....of course i mean the government, not the people...
I always have believed that with moderated governments we can make peace with both countries....
and with Lebanon of course!
paradoxile said:
Israel is using rubber bullets and teargas against hostile civillians...palestinian children don't get killed in those demonstrations(unless they are stampeded to death by their own angry mob.
children get killed when terrorists is shoot at our soldiers from a kindergarden or from some innocent family's house or the classic case where the helicopter or jet shoots a rocket a a terrorist car...and the terrorist is still alive so the pilot shoots another rocket to finish him and by that time some kids run to the place of explosion and get hit by the second rocket...I know it's hard to believe but arab children run to the place of explosion instead of away from it.

Hamas used to send children and early teenagers with explosive belts to explode at Israeli block if they're willing to secrifice their children like that why the hell do they cry when their children die (by accident) by israeli hands.

Palestinians work on Israeli Israeli soil, palestinians use Israeli phone company and phone lines, they get some food supplies from us daily,they get electricity and water from us...we should cut all our help and let them rot in their own shit untill their politicians would be smart enough to use the money to build independent sources of electricity,food etc etc and help their poor families instead of blowing the money on explosives and terroristic measures while their people are starving

I would gladly take down the wall...if they promise to stay on their side
and as we know their promises are worth shit and are good for about 2 months so the wall is keeping Israel a little bit safer so I guess the wall will go down as soon as there's absolutely no hostility on their side toward us and that I guess will take a pretty long time

The wall however was placed both on israeli and palestinian soil making it almost impossible to reach some palestinian cities. About your soldiers most of them do a good job, but war brings out the worst in everyone. Anyway if israel took the first step, we could place UN soldiers on the new boarder between the two countries until extremists had given up.
Korlich said:
The wall however was placed both on israeli and palestinian soil making it almost impossible to reach some palestinian cities. About your soldiers most of them do a good job, but war brings out the worst in everyone. Anyway if israel took the first step, we could place UN soldiers on the new boarder between the two countries until extremists had given up.

That's easy to say
but from the vast experience we had with them...they'll stop for a few months we'll untie the leash a bit and they will recharge their ammunition and start shooting at us again...
you can't have negotiantions with people that don't know what they want
especially when the military wing of the organization in power doesn't do what the political wing asks them too
I think that the UN forces have to disarm the extremist, this region needs a neutral force to do this "peacefully", it's not the word but Israel is becoming a new target for some Lebanese people who have seen their home bombed !!