The RC baby thread

I think it's time for Mike to have another one so I'm not the only one around here with three kids.
My 2 1/2 year old daughter, "where's my fucking NUK?"
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I don't think I've ever said that word in her presence before. We asked her where she heard it and she said, "Bible class"

.....2 1/2, dude
the wife thinks she's pregnant

holy mackarel ... :popcorn: ... not sure what to say.... congrats?

on a side note ... how the fuck can 2 adults and a 2 year old generate dishes fit for a family of six 3 times a day ... the fucking sink is ALWAYS full.
holy mackarel ... :popcorn: ... not sure what to say.... congrats?

on a side note ... how the fuck can 2 adults and a 2 year old generate dishes fit for a family of six 3 times a day ... the fucking sink is ALWAYS full.

hahahaha yeah I have yet to figure that out....we run the dishwasher - completely full, mind you - every single day, sometimes twice. And on top of that I'll hand wash a sink-full of pots and whatnot. What the heck.
not allowed to have it in my building ... water hog.

we do have a small clothes washing machine that is camoed in the kitchen in case the super comes up. man did that thing save me $ since the kid was born.
just was looking at this ALL TIME WORLD gross for movies ...

pretty much 80% of the Top 100 are kiddie oriented flicks. really have to go into some sort of kid biz. it's a no fail proposition.

on a side note ... ALICE IN WONDERLAND ... the latest Tim Burton on is in the Top 10 highest EVER????? what gives?