The 'record-an-Opeth-riff' thread.

Niel, I"m wondering do you line out through your amp and straight into the computer with your recordings? Because the tone sounds quite natural, and if you plug right in, you're either using a really good amp modeller on an effects box or going through an amp.

I'm still having that muting problem :(. I dont know why the hell my computer records different to how it actually plays back for me. I was trying to do the start of The Drapery Falls, but there's MUD everywhere on the rhythm track, so irritating.
I'd post some stuff myself, but since i've installed Windows 2000 i can't use Pro Tools Free and that's the only one i could actually get to work. I've got a mic (even if it's really shitty) and i've tried numerous programs but i just cna't seem to get them to record for me. Ah well, i'm sure something will come along sooner or later. Once i get my amp within the next couple of weeks i'll deffinitely be wanting to record some stuff on here as well so when i figure out maybe i'll dig up this thread (if it needs digging up).
Hope Leaves was the only Opeth thing I have recorded on my computer so I used that, I can't seem to get my v-amp recording right or i'd put more up, we'll see............what program is everyone using out there? Using Coll EDit Pro and V-amp only records in one channel :-(
xMalicexXxbasSx said:
Hey I'm just trying to get more people to hear my band but on our site we have full lengths of Demon Of The Fall, Godhead's Lament, and one we just did today...Deliverance. It took 15 tracks. And don't judge too harshly cuz were all 15 haha...but at the same time...i think it's pretty damn good.
thats pretty fucking great for 15year olds, keep going man
I use Cool Edit Pro 2 aswell... it records in one channel because I use a normal guitar lead to line out... you need the type that stereos the sound out to get both channels. So its a bit of a chore cutting and pasting into the right channel.

Good work guys.
Moonlapse said:
Niel, I"m wondering do you line out through your amp and straight into the computer with your recordings? Because the tone sounds quite natural, and if you plug right in, you're either using a really good amp modeller on an effects box or going through an amp.
Line 6 Pod XT ( with an Audigy 2 platinum EX soundcard, Cool Edit Pro, monster cables, Fender Strat, Schecter Diamond Series A-7, Ovation Celebrity, shitty Hamer bass.

I record my death vox with a shitty computer mic.

Line out from an amp directly into a computer definetly sucks balls, there is no way to get a good sound that way. Believe me, I've tried. Anybody who wants to do cheap home recordings should invest in an amp modeler, preferably Line 6.