The 'record-an-Opeth-riff' thread.

Malice: I finally heard your cover of Deliverance.

I think its great...really well put together and recorded, there are only 3 problems I can see. First the low end on the guitars is way too boosted.. you really need to cut it down a bit and let the drums and bass take care of that spectrum of sound. Second, you need to boost the general guitar volume after taking down the lows, so the guitar can be heard clearly... it sounds like its not very much in its element on your cover because its covering the wrong range. Third, that chugga riff that Mikael does his solo over... you guys played wrong. I think I know what tab you used for that, as I used a similar one, but in any case its wrong. Take a listen to the actual recording and see that you're just a little bit off.

Anyway, really great work though. Props to the band and yourself.
Unless is this is just a bit of fun for people to show others how they can play opeth riffs, maybe people should start posting only sections of riffs or licks, because it isn't going to be very hard to pick out what a whole riff is for the those of us who have heard everything. Just an idea if people wanted to make it a bit harder. Even that probably won't be hard anyway :loco:

Hoping that should work. If it doesnt link, copy and paste into ur browser.

Oh, Niel, thanks for the AMp Farm suggestion.. however it only works on Pro Tools, so right now im leeching that (400 meg, hefty) and hopefully it agrees with my comptuer and is easy to use. Also the version of Amp Farm I got is shareware... runs out after a few days, so im either gonna need to get a crack or look harder for the whole thing.
I got two for you all.
First one is Opeth, second is non Opeth, pretty hard.

Then comes my technical questions : I can't get a good distortion sound.
I line out my Triple XXX in a TASCAM cassette recorder (as a preamp) then in my soundcard mic input. I use cool edit. This setting kicks ass for my clean sound (witness by my acoustic thing), but I can't get rid of this god damn razor sound, even if my amp gain is cut down to 1/4. Any advice?
Damn those links doesnt work.

I'm new to soundclick, how the hell you get it working?

Anyways, you just have to click "music" and select the songs.

Good luck.
For the non opeth riff :
Quo Vadis - On The Shores Of Ithaka

This song is great. Not too far from Dark Tranquillity (The gallery period)
some of these sound really crappy. sorry. but, sure, some of 'em are good.
I would like to own you guys with some bass-riffs but I aint got no equipment to record it with
Good old MA, haha. That riff is probably going to become as widely recknowned as 'Where the Slime Live' before it.

Keno: It's a different thing with recording guitar. It's really hard just to plug right in and expect a good tone... alot of us have to fiddle for hours just to get playable tone. I'm sure if we were to listen to some of these played by the authors in person, it would come off alot better.
^^BUMP I would post but Im retarded with Sound I signed up but saw nowhere to put my recordings. If someone could point me in the right direction it would be appreciated.