The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Meh, it's been one of "those" days where i just get really down, lunch was unbearable. its super long on wed/thurs and i had absolutely nothing to do and i didn't see anyone i knew, fucking gay. so i just wandered around like an idiot. then i was going to go to 4th period but then i decided against it because it's an hour and a half today and i seriously thought i would've killed myself in there. i dont skip at all, and i have the best grade in that class so it's not to bad....but fuck i hate days like this. gonna go back for choir though which will cheer me up
I'm really relieved and happy today.

Finally found a flat after all the hassle, so now I can fully concentrate on my exams.

Can't wait to move in in February.
Just finished the Dante's Inferno demo, that game is fucking awesome. I don't give a shit if it's a "God of War rip off", the concept and story is so much better. Granted it would be ridiculous to say it's got "historical basis", Dante Alighieri was a florentine poet not a crusader, but still. I'm surprised no one else has made a game based on the nine circles of hell yet.